Nlove - Lua Game Engine


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Finally i have managed to compile nlove for gp2x.
My work is based on previous Bartbes/SIENCE Caanoo 0.70 version.


Download at archive

Like on the Caanoo release this come with Picklelauncher, so you
are able to use this great gui/launcher to test the love examples.

Included Games:
* snake - Snake Game --- work
* npong - Two Player Pong Game --- work
* ninwaLovePuzzlev02fix - Physic Puzzle Game by Niwa --- ok need touch to play so not for F100
* Cartesian Cardinal Zap- Game by wacheski 2010 / --- don't work give error
* Sinescroller --- work but gfx is messed up.

Included demos:
* - Hello World --- ok
* - LÖVE Demo --- ok at about 10/13 fps

Update 06/feb/2011 : new recompilation with updated sources (fix) from bartbes,
added libmodplug support so we are able now to play various types of mod music format,
fixed some loves examples,
add a new example Sinescroller to test the modplug support.

23/feb/2011 : released the sources and Codeblocks project.
Download at file archive

Hope you enjoy this.

Thanks. :)

This version is without modplug support, so that means no mod music is usable, but i have ready a new version with this enabled.
I will post this updated version on the archive in the next few hours..
I still have various problems with some examples that crash on gp2x but not on win32 ( maybe math related problems with LUA + INUM patch ).
new updated version check first post...and wait the archive to be updated !!

Farox said:
new updated version check first post...and wait the archive to be updated !!


Hey Farox.

Can you send me your cmake file, that we can add them to the nlove repository?

Dont use the lnum patch. It gives a lot of error when during math calculations. Sadly I think it's not usable.

Good work!

We should really initiate a nLove Community...

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i'm sorry but i don't have used cmake to build my GP2X version.
If you want i could pubblish my Codeblocks project. I'm planning of pubblish it on archive one of this days.

[quote SiENcE] Dont use the lnum patch. It gives a lot of error when during math calculations. Sadly I think it's not usable.[/quote]

Yes i'll be thinking of it to be the primary cause for strange behaviour of my version, but if i compile with normal LUA i'll get very very poor performance and also other strange artifacts.
Maybe are my poor experience on programming and compiling things . I'm not a programmer and for me this is only an hobby , but , i have fun with it. :)

If you want to include GP2X support i could try to edit your cmake (caanoo or dingoo ) with my changes, but this will be not tested by me as i don't build with this tools.
Anyway i'm glad if you do add GP2X support to nLove.

Regarding the nLove community, maybe when my Pandora arrive, if nobody else will do, i could build a nlove version for this and surely the nLove community will grow up.
Do you have a Pandora in order ?

Sorry for my english.

Hi Farox,

ok no problem. I will get your published code/project and create a cmake file for gp2x and add it to nlove.
No i don't have a Pandora in order. I was thinking about it, but it too expensive for me and i cant calculate that far.
So i would appreciate if you compile it for Pandora. I'm also working on a psp port of nLove.

Hopefully some more people decide to develop using love. I have to talk to bartbes about an subforum on love2d for nlove.

Just released the sources. :) Sorry for the delay on this.

Look at file archive to download nLove Sources

I'm planning to release the needed libs also.

I released the 0.7.0 final 2 weeks ago and i added a new Gameport "Earth Defend". If you like to update your port?

And we have a new Subforum in Love2D Forum. So it would be cool if post some Infos about your GP2X port there :-). Thx!