Nksnes2x Cant Get It To Work...


Jan 10, 2006
I cant get the super nintedo to emulators to work i tried sreaching for forums and i cant find any thing the freaking readme's are in chinese or something and if i just try to stick the files on my flash card and go in to games and try to enter nkSNES2x it brings me back to the menu screen or gives me a black screen i cant figure it out :unsure:
I doubt it. Nobody seems to have heard from NK in quite some time. You should get yourself SquidgeSNES instead. It runs faster, is far more stable, and is being regularly updated. No sound yet, but I'll imagine it won't be too long until it's working!
so full working snes might happen in the future with full speed and sound?

Yes, it will definetly happen in the future, full speed, transparencies, and full sound. The only question is how far in the future and what handheld it will be on :P
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Technically there is no question as to whether or not it is POSSIBLE. The only problem is getting a great programmer on board who is devoted enough to make it possible.

About sound:
In NK's snes emulator you can play with sound by pressing A to load the games. This uses his old core which is more compatable and reliable but is much slower (only playable games are rpg's because they don't require great speed to be fun). To use his newer core which is faster but doesn't have sound implemented yet and has worse compatability, press B when loading a game.

You should also try out Squidge's snes emulator. It has many graphical glitches, no sound or saving, but it runs many games at 60fps (perfect speed).
so full working snes might happen in the future with full speed and sound?

Yes, it will definetly happen in the future, full speed, transparencies, and full sound. The only question is how far in the future and what handheld it will be on :P
i ment for the gp2x will it be possable? I think the psp already has it... hell the psp can run windows 95..

Yeah, I know I was just being a smart ass. It was my way of saying "who knows"

Anyway SNES is a tough system. It may never happen at full speed on the GP2x due to the hardware. It may be theoretically possible if everything was written in ASM and ws very optimised. That takes alot of work and few are willing to devote that much time to doing it. Even the PSP struggles with it and it has a faster CPU and faster RAM access.

The thing is people get all excited when they see a SNES emu at a good speed but w/o the sound and transparencies. The thing you have to know is that is only emulating HALF of the SNES. Transparencies and sound take alot of CPU power. It has been said that the sound chip in the SNES is even more powerful than the main CPU. So that basically means that a *complete* SNES emu is a very tall order unfortunately.
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ahh cool i didnt know you could use 2 diffrent cores you must be able to read the read me its cool it has sound but yeah i tried chrono trigger (RPG) it was pretty slow.. lol i think i am going use sqyidges for now it looks more up to date maybe NK will update his