NINTENDO SNES PlayStation Prototype found!


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Dec 25, 2005
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SNES/CD Hybrid that was the beginning of the SONY PlayStation era and maybe the biggest mistaken decission Nintendo ever made not to produce it. Could be indeed legit.   :)


I wonder how valuable this thing is, I would buy it for a Dollar! :D
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If this is truly legit, it needs to be in a museum somewhere for people to appreciate!
Not convinced. Get someone who knows how to technology and show us the insides. Show it running. I haven't seen any backstory, and the guy in the video doesn't seem to know anything about it.
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Not convinced. Get someone who knows how to technology and show us the insides. Show it running. I haven't seen any backstory, and the guy in the video doesn't seem to know anything about it.
Backstory is his dad had a friend who worked at nintendo i believe, and people found backstory of this guy too so he's real, unless OP went out of his way to find some dead guy who worked at nintendo. He cant get it running because he doesn't have a power supply, and reddit wont let him just plug any damn cable in it to ruin it. All in due time.
This does indeed match the sketches and prototype picks from the period. This was actually first reveled last week, and I was under the impression it had already been confirmed real, but I didn't look much in to it past this video.

It's a great piece of history, as it was the beginning of what would become the Playstation, and the end of anything even close to relevant from Nintendo. It's been great reading all the comments on all the sites where this was posted, and how everyone neither thinks "N" was to blame for the demise, or Sony was at fault. Either way, it's one helluva "What If" for the history books.

I was just starting my CES(and later E3 trips), around this period, so while I'm far from an insider, I found most of the information at the time to point to "N", and based on what I have seen of their operations over the last 20+ years, I'll stick by that.

Not convinced. Get someone who knows how to technology and show us the insides. Show it running. I haven't seen any backstory, and the guy in the video doesn't seem to know anything about it.
Backstory is his dad had a friend who worked at nintendo i believe, and people found backstory of this guy too so he's real, unless OP went out of his way to find some dead guy who worked at nintendo. He cant get it running because he doesn't have a power supply, and reddit wont let him just plug any damn cable in it to ruin it. All in due time.
It says "DC in 7.6 volt" on the back, so a normal freaking PS One supply?

The only other mention of this system I could find was someone's personal homepage dated 2012 with a slight case of fanboyism. It had a low-res pic of a system simlar in appearance to, but not exactly like the one in the video. How many different models did they make?
Not convinced. Get someone who knows how to technology and show us the insides. Show it running. I haven't seen any backstory, and the guy in the video doesn't seem to know anything about it.
Backstory is explained here:

Seems to add up. Not saying for sure it's legitimate but it's kind of a lot of work to fake this too.

As for another pic looking different, that's not that surprising, development can churn out a lot of different prototype models.
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Seems to add up. 
Sorry but did you actually read the article ?

- Olaf was working at Sony. OK, sure. He may have had a prototype somewhere.

- Olaf moved to advanta corp. That has nothing to do with video games at all. Home equity firm.

- Advanta goes bankrupt. This guy's dad gets to cleanup the warehouse. He finds a playstation prototype there.

Like in which world would a Sony ex-top guy bring products from his ex-company to a company that has nothing to do with video games, and keep it there in an obscure warehouse? That just does not make any sense at all.  

and the best: 

The owner doesn't have a power supply, but plans to try and find one
Like how ? Is he going to go back and steal more stuff from the place? Or does he have new leads on where all the other prototypes are stored? This is just a stupid story from beginning to end. Not that I expected something different from the "Daily Mail" Polygon.
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^ Getting a new power supply isn't a problem considering the type needed is labeled on the back.

I'm sceptical for now, but I acknowledge that we may get something more solid soon.
Sorry but did you actually read the article ?
Did I actually read the article that I linked? Doesn't that sound a little condescending and rude to you? I don't think you're sorry at all :(

- Olaf was working at Sony. OK, sure. He may have had a prototype somewhere.

- Olaf moved to advanta corp. That has nothing to do with video games at all. Home equity firm.

- Advanta goes bankrupt. This guy's dad gets to cleanup the warehouse. He finds a playstation prototype there.
It has nothing to do with this guy moving it to Advanta because they had a relationship with Sony or video games, it's because he treated it like personal property and took stuff with him. This sort of thing happens all the time, I see engineering hardware end up on people's desks then taken with them when they leave. All the more likely if that person was the CEO and the company unit was dissolved.

Nowhere does the article say it was found in a warehouse, just "the rooms." It could have been taken from the guy's personal office.

Like in which world would a Sony ex-top guy bring products from his ex-company to a company that has nothing to do with video games, and keep it there in an obscure warehouse? That just does not make any sense at all.

Now before you say this is all very convenient, consider this: he's making claims that his father worked at Advanta that could very well have to stand to further scrutiny. So given the likelihood that at least that part is true, what would be the impetus here, that the scammer realized one day that their father worked with someone who could very plausibly actually have access to hardware like this?

Like how ? Is he going to go back and steal more stuff from the place? Or does he have new leads on where all the other prototypes are stored? This is just a stupid story from beginning to end. Not that I expected something different from the "Daily Mail" Polygon.
Actually most DC adapters don't use custom sockets and if you buy one with multiple sockets and a range of voltage selections there's a pretty good chance you'll be able to make it work. This is probably all the more true with a prototype where they wouldn't have any incentive to make something impossible to use the wrong adapter on. If this is your best example of the article's stupidity then I don't think you're making a great case.

Yes, this could all be a scam. But just consider that this wouldn't be cheap to manufacture as a one-off thing. There's a very real chance that you wouldn't get a buyer that's willing to pay for more than you did making it if you can't at least prove it does something when powered.
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Stranger things have been found recently, like the Russian space shuttles left to rot in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere - http://uk.businessin...h-mirebs-2015-6
No, they were not "found" that was debunked right after the article was published. Everyone (as in, everyone in the know in Russia) knew there were there and the guy simply managed to go and see them because he probably corrupted a few guys for it. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. And it's not in the middle of nowhere, it's in a military-controlled area.
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hope it can be made to do something. :)
But basically even if it's legit, what do you expect?  it should simply be a SNES hardware coupled to a CD drive, along with some modifications to make it work this way of course but there should be nothing spectacular when turning it on.

biggest mistaken decission Nintendo ever made not to produce it
They did not only decide not to produce it, they announced at a trade show that they would not be working wtih Sony anymore and decided to go with Philipps instead. Without letting Sony know about it at all beforehand.

That pissed up some people at Sony, including Kutaragi who was on the team who developed the prototype and who then went on to make the actual playstation with his team.
Items like this are often disregarded or thrown away simply because they no longer serve there intended purpose. Yeah, we can look at this (real or fake), and think WOW, what a great piece of history. At the time, it was taking up space, and to those around it, it was considered trash once the deal fell through.

Items like this turn up in all kinds of odd and weird places(and not just video games, but collectibles in general). Didn't they find a SEGA Neptune at a flea market years ago? It was one of only two to have been found I believe. Some times these items in up with staff, friends, who the hell knows and all places inbetween. I'm a collector, and if I died tomorrow, my family wouldn't know what half the shit I have is worth, or probably care. It could all be donated, trashed, or sold. Items of this nature can soon be forgotten relics, especially once the original owners begin to die off.

I'm sure just like it has been stated, that these devices where created for trade shows, and the like to show what may happen in the future(promotional tools mostly), and once those shows end, sometimes there is no clear plan in place on where items of this nature should end up. Sometimes they are very well tracked and accounted for, and sometimes not. So maybe it's real, maybe it's not. Either way I have no funds to buy it, and I'm sure outside of maybe a unique boot up screen, it probably won't offer much in the way of what the hardware may have come to offer, but we'll see.

For now, it's a nice piece of history until proven to not be.

Everyone (as in, everyone in the know in Russia) knew there were there and the guy simply managed to go and see them because he probably corrupted a few guys for it. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. And it's not in the middle of nowhere, it's in a military-controlled area.
Of course everyone in the know knew.

It's not exactly accessible to Joe Public. It's in the middle of the desert according to some photos, in a military controlled area.

I don't believe everything on the internet. I don't believe you exist! :p
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