Digital Awakening
Don't know if this is the most apropriate board to post this but here goes. I'm totally new to both C++ and SDL but I've been coding high-level stuff for years. Anyway, with Sol's tutorial as base I've started working on an image draw function, not that hard really. It's still very basic but I got an alpha color key coded in so I get transparency. Now the problem is when I want to use this function on another image. I really don't know how to do that so if someone could help me I would be quite happy.
I just got interested in developing for GP2X and I've decided to port my mobile game Goo Lab to it. It's made in Omega Basic but that software died before all the bugs got sorted out. Getting this image function fully working sould be my only problem, at least until I start with sounds. Here's a shot of the game, more on my website.
void drawimage(int x, int y)
// Lock surface if needed
if (SDL_LockSurface(gFG) < 0)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
int screenofs = x + (y + i) * PITCH;
for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
if ( ((unsigned int*)gFG->pixels)[screenofs] != 0xffffff ) {
((unsigned int*)gScreen->pixels)[screenofs] =
((unsigned int*)gFG->pixels)[screenofs];
// Unlock if needed
I just got interested in developing for GP2X and I've decided to port my mobile game Goo Lab to it. It's made in Omega Basic but that software died before all the bugs got sorted out. Getting this image function fully working sould be my only problem, at least until I start with sounds. Here's a shot of the game, more on my website.