Newbie Nightmare


Still Fresh
Nov 1, 2006
hi everyone, newbie personage here :)

i took delivery of my shiny new gp2x yesterday, and i was very pleased with it. for the first few hours of useage that is.

there i was playing away and the screen just went all "white out" on me. my first thoughts were batteries so i tried a few other sets of freshly charged NIMH, but all produced the same results. the unit turns on, u hear the little jingle.. but the screen is just all white. if u tilt the unit at some very obscure angle u can just make out the icons and such that i should be seeing properly.

i havnt been near firmwares or done anything at all other than normal stuffs like playin mp3s and photo viewing.

has anyone had issues like this one? im assuming its just died and needs returning but so far have not responded to either my emails. and they arent answering the fone..

so is this a dead unit or is there some magic trick or chicken sacrifice i can perform with the thing?

what expereinces have people had with trying to return a dead product etc?

until it died i was rather pleased with the thing too!! :D


matt rogers
That's just about exactly what happened to mine, too, which seems to make exactly two of us :-)

I sent mine in for repair. Incidentially only days before reports started streaming in on Picodrive going dualcore and squidgeSNES doing leaps and bounds in the speed department :-/

Frustrated? Me? Nahh...*sound of fingernails being bitten* :)
...And mine is from, the swedish distributor, not from Craig :-)

Same problem with my gp2x. One day the screen went totaly white and blank.
Normal use, no firmware update... I tried with 3 NiMH batterie pairs & a PSU.
Altough I don't hear any sound when I turn it on.
I got mine from PlayAsia and contacted them, in order to send it back. I'll do this in the next few days.
but so far have not responded to either my emails. and they arent answering the fone..

Craig (the owner of is currently in Korea visiting GPH.
hello everyone, seems im not totally alone in the white out screen department then, thanks for your input people :)

managed to get hold of the guys and after getting a bit bored repeating myself about batteries its all posted back to them...

all in all compared to alot of companies iv dealt with a fairly straight forward returns process..

sooo hopefully i can get back to playing in a few days when a new one arrives

im eager to delv into a bit of retro and install an emu or 3 :D


matt rogers
just an update here..

i posted the unit back to on wednesday.. they got it thursday.. and by friday i got a new one in the post..

extremely quick product replacement by anyones standards

my hat goes off to the gp2x guys..

now i can get back to playing :D

matt rogers
Whilst, I can tell you all, the clowns that run GP2x distribution in sweden got mine, ooh...Two weeks ago? And after one week, when I contacted them, they told me "Oh, it's off for repairs. Might be back in a couple of weeks" :-(

Craig, Can I officially transfer myself from being a Gametronics customer to being a customer? :-)