Newbie Impressions!


May 8, 2003
Leicester, UK
I've had my GP32 for around three days now and although I've not managed to really sit down and have a serious go on it yet, I've found my feet with the basic operations and downloaded a few programs. Here's my impressions:

- The machine is nice. Really nice. I prefer the design to that of the GBA, and as far as I can tell, the build quality is just as good. The GBA maybe feels a little more solid, probably because there's more inside the shell. The screen is MUCH better than that on the GBA, going back to Nintendo's machine is going to be hard! The quality of the screen just blows me away. Looking at images in GPFM, you can hardly see any loss of detail! On the downside, the buttons are a little cheap-feeling, sometimes they need quite a hard press to register, but nothing too serious. They'll probably get better as time goes on.

- Getting started wasn't exactly plain sailing, but it wasn't as hard as I expected. I've got a problem with PC Link (detailed in the Help forum) but otherwise the process of downloading files and programs is nice and simple. Registering the machine was fairly easy too.

- So far I've got GP Viewer (couldn'y get anything working, it's in Korean as well), Wind Ups (not really had much time to mess around with this, the Adddress Book feature is nice though), GP File Manager (excellent, brilliant interface, very nice piece of software) and GP Engine (not downloaded any ROMs yet). The firmware MP3 player is a little slow and doesn't give the option to alter the sound (bass boost, etc) but is fine for what I need. If anyone knows of another MP3 player that provides more options, then please let me know!

Overall, very happy with the machine. I doubt my GBA will be seeing much use now.

My next task is getting some decent ROMs. I've got GP Engine installed so that's my first port of call, anyone know of any decent sites to get PC Engine ROMs from? I've tried The Dump but the waiting times on File Planet are stupid. Can anyone else recommend any other sites? Cheers!
Yeah, I noticed that. I'd use the one in GPFM but I can't seem to find a way of locking the buttons. Anyone know?

From my soon to be released GPFM FAQ:

<START + SELECT button>
Hold mode.
A black 'H' appears on the right side of the MP3 window.
Press START+SELECT again to turn HOLD MODE off.
Id really be intrested in things like. Time taken from opening the box to getting an emu'd game running or from open to having a good quality movie up and running. Im just jelous mines not here yet and am tyring to calculate how fast i can be enjoying my GP on friday morning :D
i was a --bit-- concerned about the ordeal, but with the gp32emu faq I got my machine running emu's happily, within an hour of opening the box. I am no super-techie guru either mind you (I'd never even opened up a PC to do so much as stick a grafx card in until earlier this year! software I am a little more comfortable with...) I had a couple of minimal problems getting moving but a visit to the help board here fixed that, I didn't even have to post my question and already the answers were right there!

for newbies waiting to get yours in the mail..
remember you need to shorten all file names to 8 characters, and each file must be a three-letter extension - otherwise you'll get errors when you try to send (flack's name-shortener and a renaming program make this really simple..)
Id really be intrested in things like. Time taken from opening the box to getting an emu'd game running or from open to having a good quality movie up and running.

Emu game... about 10 mins....

Movie - about 15 mins for me (though depends if you have a nice small video file to get up and running quickly)

If it takes an hour, it's still quick...
Newbie update: PC Engine Emu installed!


That's all I can say. This machine is worth its weight in gold. GPEngine is an amazing piece of software, plays most PC Engine ROMs at full speed. Ahhhh. All the classics, Outrun, R-Type, Rastan Saga II, Bonk, Super Star Soldier, Gunhed, Image Fight...I'm a happy chappy. :)