New Version Of Nestergpd

How does this compare to LittleJohn? Is it as good, better, worse?
Sound seems more correct, atleast to my euro-pal-NES ears. But the frameskip somehow made me lost to Gravityman in MM5....... :blink:

The general grphics seem good, if flattened.
Ummm ... it seems better, sound-wise ... but no option to not stretch the screen ... this may help the auto-frame-skip issues. Maybe (?)
NesterGP works with a lot more rom hacks than Little John. So I use LJ mainly for *traditional* games and then NesterGP for the hacks of which Mario - the Lost Levels springs to mind :D
NesterGP works with a lot more rom hacks than Little John. So I use LJ mainly for *traditional* games and then NesterGP for the hacks of which Mario - the Lost Levels springs to mind :D

Huh? I have found one SMB hack so far, that didn't work on LJ, and it was a Graphical hack only. And the lost levels work on LJ. At least i have a working version lying on my HD
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BBS posted on Feb 1 2005 at 08:52 AM said:
NesterGpd v1.3 out now :)

Hmm. I JUST turned on my GP32 for the first time ever and uploaded NesterGPd1.3 to it and tried SMB 1 and 3. It seems likes it's forced into Frameskip 4 constantly.

I tried NesterGP1.2 and it seems to run the games better.

Something about the lack of options and the default frameskip on NGPD1.3 that really bug me :(
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