ive been trying to port a module for iPodlinux.org to the gp2x. Its called engine3D, and its written in ttk. ttk's api is here. The source to the module, along with my version of the source, is here. I've never programmed in SDL or for the GP2X before, so Im no quite sure what im doing. Im using the devkitgp2x, and compiling the code with CODE
C:\devkitGP2X\bin\arm-linux-gcc engine3d.c -o engine3d.gpe -I"C:/devkitGP2X/include" -I"C:/devkitGP2X/include/SDL" -DTARGET_GP2X -O2 -Wall -L"C:/devkitGP2X/lib" -lSDL -lSDL_gfx -lSDL_ttf -lfreetype -lSDL -lz -lSDL_mixer -lvorbisidec -lmikmod -lsmpeg -lSDL -lgcc -lm -lc -lexpat
. I dont know how to make a Makefile, and im not sure which paramiters i need, so I put them all in.
Please help
ive been trying to port a module for iPodlinux.org to the gp2x. Its called engine3D, and its written in ttk. ttk's api is here. The source to the module, along with my version of the source, is here. I've never programmed in SDL or for the GP2X before, so Im no quite sure what im doing. Im using the devkitgp2x, and compiling the code with CODE
C:\devkitGP2X\bin\arm-linux-gcc engine3d.c -o engine3d.gpe -I"C:/devkitGP2X/include" -I"C:/devkitGP2X/include/SDL" -DTARGET_GP2X -O2 -Wall -L"C:/devkitGP2X/lib" -lSDL -lSDL_gfx -lSDL_ttf -lfreetype -lSDL -lz -lSDL_mixer -lvorbisidec -lmikmod -lsmpeg -lSDL -lgcc -lm -lc -lexpat
. I dont know how to make a Makefile, and im not sure which paramiters i need, so I put them all in.
Please help