New Osnes9x Doesn't Work With Zips?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
so i just got the newest version of OSNES9X loaded finally. I complained the other day "it keeps hanging" and tried running it with unzipped .smc files.. which work, which is great. but the zipped files of the same games, well they don't seem to load (just hang). maybe a dumb question, but is this the case for everyone? (it just seems strange, that's all). As for problems I could have with the program, well that is one of the more-desirable ones (relatively) but I hope I am wrong just the same.. for obvious reasons...

thanks guys..
hm, all my snes-roms are zipped and it works fine, just like v0.2 did.
you can only put one rom in one zip-archive, maybe thats your mistake...
i have been having that problem but it is the other way round i enabled sound and it kept hanging.
well the weird thing is I was using the exact same zipfiles I was able to load with the previous version of OSNES9X (actually, the version I was using was two versions old..)

anyway maybe it has something to do with the directory I have the executable in, maybe it's just "one of those things.." (I use windups so always stick my apps in a different directory, or at least when I am able too..)