New fMSX32 out !

Oh yeah :D

thanx a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

hey, r u planning releasing fgen32 or some of ur other emus in a few day/weeks/months B) :rolleyes: ?
would be sweeter than it is right now :D
Kudos Rlyeh! Love the MSX and appreciate your great work.

MSX is a computer sold mainly in eastern countries back in the day, do some searching on the board and you'll find lots of posts with info and game suggestions...
Eastern? *snort* From the top of my head among the most popular countries were:
- The Netherlands
- Germany
- Spain
- Italy
- Japan
- Korea
- Russia
- ...etc.

Anyways, a good place to start would be
how long should I wait for this thing to read my /GPMM/MSX/ directory for .ROM files?

I'm testing with just 1 rom and it seems to just sit there?

I've got around 70 roms and it only takes a couple of seconds to load for me.
My apologies for leaving out the European and South American areas, merely my ignorance that the MSX had achieved noticeable popularity in those areas. I was primarily thinking in regards to where the computer originated and was primarily produced, in other words Japan and Korea...
Never seen any MSX stuff before, really impressed!

The emulator is really cool, great frontend, smooth splash screen, & tons of options. Well done rlyeh, I'll be sending a paypal donation your way, the least I can do.....

Now for another blast at road fighter hehe!
