GP32 New Coders


Still Fresh
Jan 30, 2004
Going completely against what everyone said - wich was to carry on coding for pc, i downloaded a pre-setup version of devkitadv from The site also contains a tutorial.. wich i followed and got as far as compiling the test source code.
i did this and successfully displayed a helo world message on a orange background. I then went on to tutorial 2..
and created a working tile engine.
So the point of this is all new gp32 proggrammers take no notice of ppl telling u to carry on with coding for pc 1st.
I don't think you have the same understanding of your program as someone who has first coded on pc.
I don't think you have the same understanding of your program as someone who has first coded on pc.

I think that most people with no experience in programming would find it hard to code directly aimed for the gp32_console . Good on u godgnome in programming for it using only Rico's tutorials ;) , but you might find that doing some basic test projects aimed for the PC then moving/porting them to the GP32 a bit easier, especially when finding out about new functions and stuff.

Then again, before I started coding for me little gp32_console , I just knew how to code VB/Basic stuff. I only used Geepee32 to test all me gp32_console projects on and also I had no idea how to code C/C++.
I used the example tutorials from Gamepark + Rico's tutorials (when they were brand new) to learn how to code for it.
That's true even C or C++ is a bad choice as a first language to learn. If you begin by this you'll surely get bad habits or lack some basic algorithmic concepts. And the worse, if you begin on GP32 which uses a cross compiler and graphic only apps, you'll miss many basic concepts and practices.
One step at a time. Newbies should go first for a well structered language on PC like oberon, ada or pascal and then move to harsh ones such as C or C++ and finally go to GP32.
BTW damn, I wish I had time to try some coding on GP32. :lol:
That's true even C or C++ is a bad choice as a first language to learn. If you begin by this you'll surely get bad habits or lack some basic algorithmic concepts.

I think that you can get the basic concepts by learning C first, it will just be A LOT more difficult.
I am not saying i was a complete begginner, i had got to arrays, streams and stuff like that in c++ first.
That's true even C or C++ is a bad choice as a first language to learn. If you begin by this you'll surely get bad habits or lack some basic algorithmic concepts. And the worse, if you begin on GP32 which uses a cross compiler and graphic only apps, you'll miss many basic concepts and practices.
One step at a time. Newbies should go first for a well structered language on PC like oberon, ada or pascal and then move to harsh ones such as C or C++ and finally go to GP32.
BTW damn, I wish I had time to try some coding on GP32. :lol:
Pascal was a party XD

All I remember is writeln and readln tho. Im even forgetting VB now lol, C is going well though :)
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Going completely against what everyone said - wich was to carry on coding for pc,

Unless you had another thread I was unaware of, then I was the person who said that, and I specifically said "If you feel uncomfortable coding for the GP32, then I suggest you go back to the PC." which I still feel is warrented, since coding in C and C++ for the PC is miles easier then the GP32.

i downloaded a pre-setup version of devkitadv from The site also contains a tutorial.. wich i followed and got as far as compiling the test source code.
i did this and successfully displayed a helo world message on a orange background. I then went on to tutorial 2..
and created a working tile engine.
So the point of this is all new gp32 proggrammers take no notice of ppl telling u to carry on with coding for pc 1st.

I never said to become a master at C or C++ on the PC first, I said only retreat back to the PC if you have too tough a time coding for the GP32. That decision was up to YOU, I wasn't commanding you to go back to PC. Following a tutorial is NOT coding. If you can code something totally different than what Rico or mr. mirko's tutorials offer, then you have become a true GP32 developer.

Oh, and for those wondering exactly what was said when godgnome asked about coding for the GP32, it was in this thread:

I still feel it is completely warrented that people who have NEVER programmed should start on the PC then work their way to the GP32. If they just hop to the GP32 first, chances are better that they will become extremely frustrated.
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I agree... I have been coding on the pc for a couple of years (VB/ Pascal) and I am just starting C. And trying shit out on the GP32 im like WOAH... I just got the hello world shit to work lol... couldnt even do the tile map on ricos tutorial.. bastard wouldnt compile lol..

Now im a pretty good beginner coder... i got merits/ destinctions in programming modules at college. And while I will try and get Mirkos sdk to work and learn some functions and shit it will always be easier on pc. I ported NIM (a game I did in pascal) from Pascal to C easily. Now getting it to work on the GP32 just scares me lol.
well, it's always a bad idea to start coding just aiming for the very high things like
Quake is cool, how do i code my own quake?

independant wether you're on a pc, ppc or gaming device you'll get told to start with the very basic things

you should keep that in mind, but first aim for the easy things ("hello world", moving "hello world", point, moving point, moving point with buttons, snake-like, and so on)

i don't say that you can't directly start with C (one of the more complex languages, lovely) on the gp32 (a very specific target, well, its easier to code for this than for pc i think :P) as someone with little to no coding-, math- and algorythm-knowledge

but it's wayyyy easier to first start with Basic (yay!), Pascal (bah), Python (well) or even C, etc. on PC with all this crap, and then start GP32-coding knowing how to make more complex algorythms, using math-functions to do nasty crap for you, etbleh

also you'll find 10^100x more tutorials for coding on pc than for coding on gp32

ah well, just my point of view :P
Lol a fun thing if your learning Basic or something is coding for the Ti-83. Theres nothing like playing games in math class lol :).
Lol a fun thing if your learning Basic or something is coding for the Ti-83. Theres nothing like playing games in math class lol :).
I had one of those. Spent literally dozens of hours perfecting a skiing game on the thing! Taught me the perils of not annotating my code though - looked at it recently, and there are pages and pages of code that I have no idea what they do!

*Drifts off into misty nostalgia...*

Maybe I should've listened in maths class instead...
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Melville posted on Jul 1 2004 at 09:35 AM said:
Lol a fun thing if your learning Basic or something is coding for the Ti-83. Theres nothing like playing games in math class lol :).
I had one of those. Spent literally dozens of hours perfecting a skiing game on the thing! Taught me the perils of not annotating my code though - looked at it recently, and there are pages and pages of code that I have no idea what they do!

*Drifts off into misty nostalgia...*

Maybe I should've listened in maths class instead...
I don't even own one. I just made small programs in math class. It took like 10 minutes to learn how to program for it in basic. I haven't tried ASM yet.
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