Network Media Player advice


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I'm considering purchasing a Popcorn Hour A-400 as I've heard some good things about the brand, it's a little more than I wanted to spend but I don't mind if it's a quality piece of kit that runs all my media well.

The biggest use for me will be local/network streaming so I'd be interested in any device that performs well at this.

Is the Popcorn the best choice for the price (£260) or is there something better out there..?

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There are some arm boards with a sata connector, that are able to run xbmc.

I don't know if they can do everything that the popcorn devices do, but they're far cheaper. I found an Allwinner A20 device called cubieboard 2 on ebay, the price was around 55€, iirc olimex is doing an A20 based board with sata connector too and seems cheaper than 5he cubie (no EMMC memory on the pcb, it's replaced by a SD card slot).

It does not include a case tho…