Need help with PSXrearmed (please help a new community member?)


Still Fresh
Oct 19, 2012
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, North A
Yes, I'm new here. I just received my Pandora yesterday, and I'm already having a problem. I downloaded PSXrearmed, and I can't scroll through the menu. I'm serious. I mash the d-pad around, try using the touchscreen, the nubs, the highlighter just won't move, meaning that this is completely useless. Please help, I got the Pandora specifically to play PSX games.
Does the dpad work in other applications and as arrow keys?

Edit: And welcome to the community of course :)

Also, do you have the latest firmware installed and finally: where did you download it from?
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You need to download PCSX ReARMed r15 from here - http://repo.openpand...x_rearmed.notaz

I had exactly the same trouble with an earliar version than r15 after updating my Pandoras firmware.

I am running the latest firmware SuperZaxxon 1.52
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Never had this problem with PSXreARMed.

After you get it working...just a little tip...the SPACE key is what gets you back to the menu to quit the emu or load a new game.

THAT frustrated me no end trying to figure that out until someone came to my resuce and told me about that. I hasd resorted to using the Pandora button to try to forcibly kill the app, and even that just minimized it...I ended up having to re-boot, until I was told how to do it.

Future reference this sort of topic should have been posted in the "Support" section, you would probably get a whole lot more responses and faster, too. I know you got answers within half an hour, but you would have probably gotten them within about five minutes...this is a very supportive and wonderful community.
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But the actual Support section is for Pandora customer support, it does state that under the heading.
But the actual Support section is for Pandora customer support, it does state that under the heading.
I know. but time and again, when I ask for help on different emu's I got told to post it in Support. I know what it SAYS...which is why at first I had posted them here, too.