Name This Old Atari Game


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
OK here's the deal... when I was about 3-4 years old, I used to play on my grandad's Atari800.

There was a game that I remember enjoying playing, and it had two headed crocodiles, it had a princess you had to try and recue, and when you died it had a very distinctive jingle, played in a low and twangy buzz.
This jingle is fixated in my head... and if it helps I can record myself recreating it vocally... although quite honest I hope someone can help me out without having to resort to this...

The jingle starts on a low note and "climbs stairs" up to a high note...

Any help in indentifying this game would be appreciated, since this is the first game I can remember playing!
I am sorry to post, because I do not have anything useful to say, but I would even pay money* to hear you recreate that jingle with your voice. I would put it onto my gp2x as a bootup sound and switch my gp2x on and off for hours... OMG do it! Upload it onto the archive. I am sure someone will even recognize which game it was.

*well actually, I guess I wouldn`t.
dammit... I was feeling happy about free money... then you let me down with your little asterisk... git! :P

Oh well, I may do it... it might be funny... PokéParadox starts up your GP2X... O.o weirdness unparalleled I think.

EDIT: Well you seem to be out of (in?) luck since I can't seem to find my microphone...
1) Do you remember if it was on a cartridge?
2) If no was it on a disk or a tape drive?
3) Do you remember any details? Castles? Text Sprites? Colors? Anything else?

I tried a search of Atari 400/800 carts and none of the titles rang that bell for me. Heck I even searched for "two headed crocodile Atari" just to try it but found nothing.

It's quite possible - if it wasn't a cartridge - that it may have been a type-in program. I used to recieve magazines every month with BASIC programs in them to type in and play when I had my TI994/a system.

I hope it's a cart(so you may have a shot of finding out what it is) but it's not sounding familiar at all... Jungle Hunt is the closest thing that comes to mind so far...
Hmm I don't think it was a type in system (I was playing this when I was 4...)

I'm guesing it is either on disk or cart... since I don't remember us having a tape drive on the Atari...

The only things I remember is you had to jump over crocodiles... and some of them had two heads.
Another point I'm not so sure about is that at the begining, you could see the princess locked up, but you couldn't get directly there which is why you are jumping over crocodiles etc...

I'll try and mock up a screenshot... EDIT: Here we are... it sux ass btw...

The point is that it had very simple graphics... I'm wondering if there was any point in that mockup :X lol
nope, pitfall had more serious graphics... this was sort of cartoony (ok it's hard to describe when essentially both games are made of blocks...) erm, the game I'm looking for had brighter graphics.
try and record the thing you were talkin about i had a atari 800(still do) was only 3 or somethin when i got it. the thing about the princess i sort of rememebr somethin but not sure what it is. wasnt kissing cousins was it ?

or maybe it was kissin cousins not sure. You dont happen tho rememebr if it had like a digitised voice in it sayin "Save me!" then liek a kangaroo jumping away with the princess ?
I ill try and record as soon as I can figure out where the hell my mic has gone!!!

As for the kangaroos.. hmmm I don't remember or any voices...

I'll do a search for kissing cousin if only to see what the deal is :)

EDIT: Doh... I was slow there.. I googled for "kissing cousins" and got ... yes results about cousins that got married and stuff...
Putting Atari in the search got rid of those results, but not having much luck so far...
Well the screenshots I found don't ring a bell... also I don't see any two-head crocs... which was definately a feature.

I would appreciate if you could record a sound clip.

Thanks for trying to help me track this down... it was the first game I can remember playing so I really want to find it :)
i just made a wee video will convert it then upload it to youtube. Im not sure about the 2 headed crocodiles but maybe later in the game. And i see that you are the same age as me and i dont quite remember much about some atari 800xl games.

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Fishbong posted on Sep 8 2006 at 03:12 PM said:
I didn´t even know the atari800 was powerful enough to display one-headed crocodiles at fullspeed, so this game mus have been awesome ;)

Crocodile heads was the usual method of measuring computer power in those days. I remember being blown away when the Ataris ST came out with 5 headed crocs. WOW!

On a serious note I have an Atari 130XE and I can't remember this game sorry :(
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No idea what the game is. Only thing I remember where you rescue princesses is Mario... Suggest you ask on comp.sys.atari.8bit. Or go through all the screenshots on or something:-)

The atari800 is powerful enough to display _screenfulls_ of crocodile heads!
