Mysql And Php Help Needed.


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
I am a mySQL and PHP newbie. I am having trouble getting mySQL setup right on my web server. Help would be appreciated!

PS: No I don't plan on putting out a contract on hando and stealing gp32xtreme from him...the hitme--errr bandwidth charges would be too excessive!
Sure, I'll help all I can. I've only just set up my first PHP website ( ) so I know exactly how you're feeling :P

First let me point you in the direction of this great site:

They're forums are generally very friendly and a great source for information and help for all kinds of website coding. I can also heartily recommend Kevin Yank's book 'Build Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP and MySQL' which is available on the site (boy do I sound like I'm pimping sitepoint! But they did help me no end, so I guess they deserve it). It's great for begginers and teaches everything you need to know to get a PHP website up and running. far have you got? Is this an Apache server running on Linux or Windows? And is this your own computer or a remote server you only have access to from a control panel/FTP?
I have my own local webserver running Redhat Linux (local meaning it's sitting a few inches from me) which I installed myself. I do have mySQL and PHP installed as part of my Redhat distro, but I don't think I have mySQL setup properly. You see, I want to add a webpage building wizard for my clients since I don't allow telnet for security reasons (though the security of a webpage wizard is debatable). The webpage wizard is "phpwebsite" which seems to fit the needs of a person who wants a casual webpage, a "news center" (like this site), or a business site. PHPNuke and PostNuke both seem more focused on the "news center". Anyway, this script needs to connect to a SQL database and it's having trouble. I tried reinstalling mySQL but it keeps giving me errors when I try to start mySQL or even add the admin user database account.

I've been going over the mySQL documents and I am having isolating my problem. I was hoping there would be someone dedicated enough to bother through IMs, since a board could take weeks ;)
My MSN address is & ICQ ID 13752462. You can also mail me at if I'm not around.

I'd still recommend creating a new thread in the MySQL section of the sitepoint forums, though, because those guys are experts who, frankly, know a hell of a lot more about this kind of stuff than I do.

Could you post the error message you're getting?

Also, try having a look at the error logs...they might give you a clue as to what's going on. I'm not sure about a redhat server, but under apache running on windows the error logs are located in the apache/logs directory and called something like error.log. If you search around you should find them. The errors are listed by time and date, with the newest entries being at the bottom. They're pretty descripttive, so you should get an idea of what's going on.