Myriad Beta 6.0


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Whohoo, another update:


Myriad Beta 6.0

For people who have an older version, you will have to replace everything, that's including the runtime folder as this is an updated runtime for Fenix.

So what's new:
it's a lot faster due to the new Fenix runtime.

Little red arrows flash on the sides of the screen to indicate spinners.

Pause bug sorted, you can now only pause game during actual game play.

Extra buttons used. You can now launch the secondary weapon using the right shoulder button. I found this has made the game much easier to play.

The shield graphic has been updated, it now whizzes round your ship.

This isn't really a major update, it's more like a bells and whistles feature update.

Have fun!!!!
jbrodack posted on Oct 11 2006 at 06:10 PM said:
the game is great as always but now i want to know about this new fenix runtime which i havent heard anything about.
Well Puck hasn't officially released it yet, but he gave me permission to include the runtime with releases of Myriad as long as I kept the readme with it.
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<noob developer question> WarmFluffyUK you mentioned that you used fenix to create your game. Did you download the dev environment from this site? Does fenix require c++ knowledge? </noob developer question>

Thanks for your help
WarmFluffyUK, I sent you yesterday a mail with something you will like :P

Please, confirm me that the mail address is working :)

antaresuk, no, Fenix doesn't require any C/C++ knowledge ;)
antaresuk posted on Oct 12 2006 at 08:58 AM said:
<noob developer question> WarmFluffyUK you mentioned that you used fenix to create your game. Did you download the dev environment from this site? Does fenix require c++ knowledge? </noob developer question>

Thanks for your help
Well everything you need can be found in Ed's (EvilDragon's) tutorial. What I use is basically the Fenix Compiler and the Flamebird environment. It's very easy to set up and you can be up and running within an hour or so. Give it a go, and we are all here to help :).

Puck2099 posted on Oct 12 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
WarmFluffyUK, I sent you yesterday a mail with something you will like :P

Please, confirm me that the mail address is working :)
Hey you're right, I just got the email and I liked it a lot :rolleyes:. Thanks, I will give it a go when I get home tonight. :)

Addition: I just tested it during my lunch break, and it works perfectly. Please accept an E-Hug :wub:.
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On the version number : lol even Firefox doesn't increment version numbers that fast, and god knows they increment them way to fast. If I were you I'd really call it 0.6.0 rather than 6.0, considered that you're supposed to reach 1.0 when you got some final polished product.

Oh and on a side note, don't you want to change your example screenshots for each release you do? :)
A_SN posted on Oct 12 2006 at 05:27 PM said:
On the version number : lol even Firefox doesn't increment version numbers that fast, and god knows they increment them way to fast. If I were you I'd really call it 0.6.0 rather than 6.0, considered that you're supposed to reach 1.0 when you got some final polished product.

Oh and on a side note, don't you want to change your example screenshots for each release you do? :)
No and No :P

It's my game, I wrote it, and I will call version numbers what I like. And who says 1.0 has to be the final version, I never lay with convention.

Edit: The pictures stay the same at present, I don't want to give anything else away, you will just have to play it :)
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Oct 12 2006 at 08:26 PM said:
A_SN posted on Oct 12 2006 at 05:27 PM said:
On the version number : lol even Firefox doesn't increment version numbers that fast, and god knows they increment them way to fast. If I were you I'd really call it 0.6.0 rather than 6.0, considered that you're supposed to reach 1.0 when you got some final polished product.

Oh and on a side note, don't you want to change your example screenshots for each release you do? :)
No and No :P

It's my game, I wrote it, and I will call version numbers what I like. And who says 1.0 has to be the final version, I never lay with convention.

Edit: The pictures stay the same at present, I don't want to give anything else away, you will just have to play it :)

hear hear! :)
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Ok I downloaded devkitgp2x.rar from the development download section but this doesnt have an ide. I also downloaded but this just seems to be a collection of sample games.

Could someone please point me to the latest install download. I have found ED's tutorials, so all I need to start is the install download.


Update: I have installed flamebird 2.11 but when I compile and run the example prog from ED's first tutorial I get a gpf on fxi.exe :(

Update Update: Never mind, I copied the fxi.exe again and now the example works.
I finally got a chance to fire up my GP2X this weekend and load Myriad. I am IMPRESSED with the progress Fluffy. :)

This game is getting really engrossing! I wish I was better at it - only 11,430 so far as a high score.

Great work!! :D
Classic Gamer posted on Oct 16 2006 at 01:27 AM said:
I finally got a chance to fire up my GP2X this weekend and load Myriad. I am IMPRESSED with the progress Fluffy. :)

This game is getting really engrossing! I wish I was better at it - only 11,430 so far as a high score.

Great work!! :D
Glad you like it, on the topic of High scores, that's what I will be adding next, the high score tables.

Since Beta 6.0, I have added a few things that will be in the next release:
1. An extra alien.
2. Another power up.
3. Buttons changed slightly.
4. A button information screen.
5. Some bugs sorted.
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