My Psp Finally Gets To Use?

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Maybe, I should dust off my PSP and check if it still works.

The above news is the first Sony move regarding PSP that make sense. Why they didn't try it from the beginning? Dunno, but better late then never.

However, the blue-ray discs priced $23 wholesale puts it immediate disadvantage to HD-DVD of $20 retail. I'm currently torn between BR and HD-DVD, but the disc pricing could be a tie breaker.
i will not be entering into the idiotic early adopter foray of HD vs Blu ray.

Let the market decide what it wants to use and then us consumers will follow.

one format will win out, why end up with inferior hardware?
They want me to buy the same movie twice? I can easily convert the DVD to a PSP compatible format...
Well, first off, you pay hardly more for the second movie, so you can copy the DVD, sell it and keep the UMD.

And a UMD Movie looks way better than a mp4 converted film on your memstick, plus you save space on your memstick, which makes the idea even more intresting.
this certainly does make a lot of sense. Most UMDs are being sold for a discounted price anyway, so making it so that you can get both at the same time and no longer be concerned about buying two movies seperately for two individual prices makes it easier on people worried about that sort of thing.

So basically, for a couple of extra bucks you dont have to concern yourself with the varying riggors of transcodeing.
shinneri posted on Feb 8 2006 at 03:38 PM said:
Wait, isn't PSP a gaming console? :huh:
I know, it's crazy! I'm glad GPH didn't do something baffling like include an avi player in the firmware, or title the GP2X as a Personal Entertainment Player.

That would've been just as stupid, I'm sure!
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The PSP was and always will be intended to be more than JUST as game console. Snoy first created the Walkman and Discman products to corner the market on portable entertainment. When the gameboy first came out they were ashamed that they didnt think of it first. The PSP is their attempt to create the next gameboy, through the use of multiple forms of media.

Yeah it plays games, as just one of the many mass media functions they want to exploit for sales.
I have no problem with it being a multimedia system on top of being a gaming console. With the impressive specs and screen, it would be silly if it weren't a multimedia system. BUT I've yet to see any initiative from Sony to promote its gaming potential; makes sense, of course, since throwing a movie onto their limited media format is a lot easier than making a quality game. :rolleyes:
shinneri posted on Feb 11 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
I have no problem with it being a multimedia system on top of being a gaming console. With the impressive specs and screen, it would be silly if it weren't a multimedia system. BUT I've yet to see any initiative from Sony to promote its gaming potential; makes sense, of course, since throwing a movie onto their limited media format is a lot easier than making a quality game. :rolleyes:

Well uh,yeah? Arnt you paying attention? The movies are getting made by the dozens They're the easiest things around to put on your system. I said it before, the PS2 and Xbox have what? maybe 2500 games between them? But they have 25 million DVD movies!

The incentive to by games on the system are the games themselves. It's not Sony's fault if you dont like whats on the shelves, they're doing their part already, it's the 3rd party developers fault for not choosing to make an original game rather than take the easier rout and produce a scaled down version of the original console version. Of the 17 games published by sony for the system (1st party games) the only ones that arnt original are the sports games, the first Ape Escape (there are 2 now) and possibly ATV and Twisted Metal (I only say possibly because I havent played the PSP version to know). That leaves atleast half that number of original games that arnt completly duplicated on the PS2 and these are only 1st party. And then there are the imports which have no lock out other than the language for you to play, I could go buy any of a half dozen japanese games right now but I wont because I simply dont have the time to play all the games I have for the thing and still support other systems both console AND handheld while still maintaining a fulltime job to pay for said games.

So seriously, if you've found some miraculous time dialation device that let's you exhaust your supply of games faster than I can, please pass it along. I'm sure I'm not the only person in need of such a thing either.
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If you're suggesting that Sony is doing everything it can to bring games to the PSP, you're just not right. How does Nintendo and MS get the great 3rd party titles on their platform? Make exclusivity agreements and deals for major titles to be released (like an RPG from Squaresoft). Sony doesn't usually have to do this, and I think (or at least it seems) they're trying to avoid the practice with the PSP, as well. But it's not working. Outside of GTA, there really haven't been any high profile releases since launch.

Of course I don't have time to play every good game that comes out. I actually don't plan on committing myself to any title until this school year ends because my time is very limited. But I can't help but feel cheated knowing that there are no titles on the PSP that I am especially interested in.

And maybe some people are happy with the selection of games available on the PSP, but Sony platforms are usually more well-rounded. And it is up to Sony to make sure that happens.
Keep in mind we're talking about a second place machine right out of the gates. Even sony knew going up against the GBA was going to be tough, and with the DS turning out to have better than expected interest there's bound to be difficulty in drawing developers with interest. Never mind trying to create a Killer App it's probably hard enough just to get games that arnt rehashes from anyone but the occasional japanese 3rd party dev.

Basically Sony is experiencing with the PSP what Nintnedo is experiencing with the GC. I read an interview with the people who made Pursuit Force for the PSP and the interviewer asked them why they didnt make it for the PS2 instead and the answer seemed to amount to him having just flipped a coin. It's hard to give incentives to develope for the clear second place performer. But obviously Sony figures "if we can get them into peoples hands maybe they'll buy the games" which is why they put so much work into squashing Homebrew and PSP emulators to run hacked ISOs.