My New Video Game Review Site

Well, good luck with that, seems like there's a lot of work going into it, so yes, good luck. I'm not really up for audio reviews, mind, and there's a few images that are broken, but it looks like it could be interesting. A good wide range of systems covered.
I love the idea.



the 90's called, it wants its web design standards back (I think I have a similar page I mad in my Computer science class in 2000.)

I will try to block the background and read more of it, I'll get back to you if it is good.

Edit: you have to try the Dreamcast, it was the first 5th gen console, and in many ways better than the PS2, unfortunately Sony marketed better.

Please use standard light on black, or black on light for the background and the text.

Edit2: looks like you do have dreamcast on the game review page.
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I think this sums up the design



Whoa, needs more text wrapping
I'm in the zone, I'm picking out all the errors :P

In the blurb you have spelled audio "auido"

And, I screwed around with the layout. Although, I like centering things, so you might not like it ;)

(If you do change it, make sure it's not shittly done in photoshop, ALA mine)

And the most important bit, I enjoy your writing!
Thanks man. I like the layout of the site as it is, so that will not be changing.

I will fix the typo when I can get to it and I do plan on linking back to the previous pages like suggested.

This is the best feedback that I've gotten so far, so whatever I can do to make a better product for you. Keep the suggestions. The only one I'm not going to do is change the layout. I like left justified things for some reason :)

Gaming has always been a passion of mine, I know it's been a couple years since I've last visited these boards, but I always got the best opinions from GP32x users, and this site is my way of bringing the best of my hobby (collecting) to others.
Angel said:
Thanks man. I like the layout of the site as it is, so that will not be changing.

I will fix the typo when I can get to it and I do plan on linking back to the previous pages like suggested.

This is the best feedback that I've gotten so far, so whatever I can do to make a better product for you. Keep the suggestions. The only one I'm not going to do is change the layout. I like left justified things for some reason :)

Gaming has always been a passion of mine, I know it's been a couple years since I've last visited these boards, but I always got the best opinions from GP32x users, and this site is my way of bringing the best of my hobby (collecting) to others.
Damn you left justifiers.

Make me sick


Make it all like this, I love the formatting

Even more, while I'm on a roll: The site looks better in IE, then it does in Firefox. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081103 Minefield/3.1b2pre is my version, if that helps you, I can post a screen shot if you want
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Much much better, and blue is my favorite color :)

Are you using CSS? I don't know much about it, other than it is really great to make a site look good.

One minor niggle:


I have my default font set to Times New Roman size 18, I don't know if that is causing the problem. Firefox 3.0.3 on a 1280x1024 display if you need to know.

Cool, be sure to put up some info on that Sega Pico, it might be interesting. Be sure and get a good macro camera and some lighting (even some 100w or 75w light bulbs would be cool), otherwise you won't have good photo documentation.
i think that is due to your font, running 3 computers, none have the issue that you have with the font in the buttons.

The Pico is a dilemma for me, yes, it is a Sega system, yes it has interchangeable cartridges, but is it an actual collectors piece?? My son plays it, I don't know if I could accurately do a review on something like the Pico. It is a great educational system, my son is almost 2 and half and he loves it.
Hey man, do you plan to do all these reviews yourself or are you going to have other people contribute?
I also like your writing style. I laughed hard reading the micro bead rant ^^.
I was supposed to have a partner but so far he's contributed nothing. So I've thought about adding in other reviews as well. For the time being, it's just me. So trying to do all of these reviews, work, raise a family, etc. it's hard to find time. But I am keeping the idea open to accept reviews from users.
Angel said:
I was supposed to have a partner but so far he's contributed nothing. So I've thought about adding in other reviews as well. For the time being, it's just me. So trying to do all of these reviews, work, raise a family, etc. it's hard to find time. But I am keeping the idea open to accept reviews from users.
I've kinda wanted to right some stuff like that, so If I ever get round to it, I might review some of my stuff, see if you like it
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I thought about it and yeah, if anybody would like to submit a review, please feel free to do so. it can be for any game listed for any system that I currently have up on my site.

I would prefer hardware reviews since I haven't done any of those yet, but game reviews are welcome. Right now I would like to limit it to text reviews as well so if you want, email me (my email address is on the about me page on my site), send the review in word or .txt format and I'll retype it to fit on the page, and you will get credit for the review as well. I think this would greatly help get content up quickly on the site and make it a much better review site with community reviews.

Thanks guys.