My Gp32 Reboots


Still Fresh
May 3, 2006

I've had my GP32 for a year without any problem. But since 2 or 3 months ago, I can't run anymore some things like the GPCinema, the SNES emulator or TieBreak game! It just restarts the GP32!!!

It's not something about the bateries and neither with the SMC. What can it be? Has anyone the same problem???

it probably is the SMC, if you have multi firmware or any firmware with Pac-rom, or just download pac-rom, and run the SMC fix tool. This happens to me with Heretic, i can run it fine but after a while it reboots my Gp32.
Hmmmm... interesting problem. heres a couple of suggestions:

Firstly, try out Angels advice, and/or use another smc to make sure thats not the problem. As far as batteries are concerned, i know you said thats not the problem, but I recommend trying a fresh back of name brand batteries just for kicks. If none of this works, your processor may be underclocking for some reason.

Was your gp ever able to overclock? rebooting is usually caused by the program exceeding the limits of the processor. Most apps and games run at 133, but many can be oc'ed (over clocked) much higher.

Please tell us if your gp was able to oc, and if you can play any other programs without your gp rebooting (and please be specific)

good luck
Sorry, I was out for a while and I have no internet conection! :P

About Angles advices... I've tryed with my 3 SMC cards and it's always the same so, not an SMC problem.

About bateries... yes, i've tried with new ones and still not working. I've been pluging my GP32 to the current for a while. I've heard that this can break it. It's true?

Actually I'm using a lot of programs and games without any problem:

Another World v.101
Beats of Rage
Blood Cross demo
Metal Slug demo
Aka noid
GP32 box
BangG v0.6
Master System emulator fSMS32
NES Emulator NsterGP D

And the ones I can't use anymore are:

GPCinema (I've tried a lot of versions)

There's also the game TieBreak that reboots my GP32 but I've never tried it before that problem.

So, my GP32 was able to overclock because I used it with GPCinema and OpenSnes9X. Now I can't use them even without overclocking!!! :o

Hope that someone have an answer for my problem!!! :unsure:

Thank you anyway!!!


triksR4rabits posted on May 3 2006 at 09:52 PM said:
Hmmmm... interesting problem. heres a couple of suggestions:

Firstly, try out Angels advice, and/or use another smc to make sure thats not the problem. As far as batteries are concerned, i know you said thats not the problem, but I recommend trying a fresh back of name brand batteries just for kicks. If none of this works, your processor may be underclocking for some reason.

Was your gp ever able to overclock? rebooting is usually caused by the program exceeding the limits of the processor. Most apps and games run at 133, but many can be oc'ed (over clocked) much higher.

Please tell us if your gp was able to oc, and if you can play any other programs without your gp rebooting (and please be specific)

good luck
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Sounds strange, is it a used gp2x?
One of the explanations for me would be that a previous owner used the "pencil mod" to get it to overclock higher and the graphite haves worn off over time.
Nops, it was a new GP32 (not GP2x) and I didn't used the pencil mod!!! :blink:

Vimacs posted on May 19 2006 at 04:25 PM said:
Sounds strange, is it a used gp2x?
One of the explanations for me would be that a previous owner used the "pencil mod" to get it to overclock higher and the graphite haves worn off over time.
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I had a similar problem (still do I guess). After I applied the pencil mod to my Blu+, it started to randomly reset the unit when running the game Samurai (othello). Perhaps it did that before I tricked it, I have no idea. Lately it crashed a couple of times at the beginning of running some Genesis roms on DrMD. :huh:

- Alex