My Gp2x Just Died After Normal Use!

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Feb 19, 2006
As the topic states... :angry:

I had finished erasing Ur-Quan Masters from my SD card. The unit had been working fine, so I thought. Then, I properly removed the card from the USB SD card reader and re-inserted the SD card into the GP2X. I turned it on, and it froze at the initial screen. Tried again, it froze at the green "Loading" screen. I took out the card, didn't help. Swapped in fresh batteries, still nothing.

Symptoms: I turn it on, hear the intro jingle, see the initial GP2X screen. It may or may not make it to the green Loading screen. Regardless, I hear a distorted sound and the screen goes psychadelic then fades to white.

What is wrong here!! I don't have time to replace a bricked unit, so please help with this if you can :o
<deep breaths> Okay, I'll recharge the batteries then try again in the morning. I'll report the results, too.

In my haste, I posted to the GP32 "I Need Help" threads. Oops :lol:

Well, I discovered a cache of four fully-charged AAs and used them. It's working now.
BTW, Vimacs, for what my opinion is worth, we're lucky that you're here. You've been great
at responding quickly to requests for help/info. Glad you care :)
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