My Gp2x Dies At Slightest Bump


Jul 16, 2006
Sweden, Gothenburg
Hello everyone. My GP2X just started to crash whenever it gets the slightest bump on the right side.
We're talking less force then i use to press the buttons. As soon as i do i get lots of graphical artifacts in whatever program i'm using (it also freezes with small pixels here and there flashing), sound stops and it responds to no buttons until i restart it.
Its fine whenever i restart it nothing happens until it gets another bump on its right side ( only at the DC and usb port)

Haven't tried with the ac-power supply yet, only batteries. However they dont seem to be the problem. I can open the battery hatch and give the batteries a small bump without any problems.

So whats the plan here? Do i return it? Can i try to fix this myself with some soldering (if someone has a good guess at what component that might be causing the problem)?
Your batteries do not make proper contact with the machine.

Take out the batteries (you can probably shake them out easilly!), then bend the contacts a bit so that they DO fit properly without them moving as soon as you shake the machine a bit.

Edit: wait. You can give them a small bump (I totally didn't bother reading the whole post, sorry)? Odd. Well I'd say you could still try my solution... :/
Micket posted on Sep 15 2006 at 01:10 PM said:
Hello everyone. My GP2X just started to crash whenever it gets the slightest bump on the right side.
We're talking less force then i use to press the buttons. As soon as i do i get lots of graphical artifacts in whatever program i'm using (it also freezes with small pixels here and there flashing), sound stops and it responds to no buttons until i restart it.
Its fine whenever i restart it nothing happens until it gets another bump on its right side ( only at the DC and usb port)

Haven't tried with the ac-power supply yet, only batteries. However they dont seem to be the problem. I can open the battery hatch and give the batteries a small bump without any problems.

So whats the plan here? Do i return it? Can i try to fix this myself with some soldering (if someone has a good guess at what component that might be causing the problem)?
Guessing here, but it looks like a component isn't soldered on the motherboard properly - it doesn't look like the batteries as you are still getting artifacts and freezing. Assuming you haven't opened the case and done something silly to it, send it back for a replacement - seems the logical conclusion. If you try to fix it yourself you will invalidate your guarantee, so it isn't worth trying - send it back is my advice.
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what megagun said.

i had a similar problem, it occured the one and only time i dropped my little geepee. i picked it up, tried to turn it on....nothing. then i realised that it was rattling ever so slightly.

the effect of the drop had meant that a contact was not quite enough to make it to the battery, i just bent it back.

its probably the same thing on a less extreme scale.
Also happened to me when my iPod was away for repairs. I used my GP2X for music, and the pins had become bent away from the battery. Just carefully bend them back to maintain pressure and a good connection on the batteries.
I had the same problem, my 1300mAh batteries were fine, until I got 2300mAh ones as well. They pushed the contacts apart, and when the 1300mAh ones are in it has "shock reboot".
Actually when I was testing the more unstable apps it was quite useful. :P
I noticed it to...

Fast Reset: Hit the GP2X on the right side with the palm of your right hand. The screen wipes out a little bit, then reboots!

This should be stickied! :lol:
I think it depends a lot on what batteries you use. If you generally use larger batteries, say 2600 mah, and then put in 1200 mah batteries, they generally fit looser because of overall batteries dimensions. I have 2500 mah energizers, and I have to practically pry them out. My 1800's are a bit loose and spin and dump-out easily. More capacity usually means larger dimensions.
reaper79 posted on Sep 15 2006 at 09:11 PM said:
I think it depends a lot on what batteries you use. If you generally use larger batteries, say 2600 mah, and then put in 1200 mah batteries, they generally fit looser because of overall batteries dimensions. I have 2500 mah energizers, and I have to practically pry them out. My 1800's are a bit loose and spin and dump-out easily. More capacity usually means larger dimensions.
My 2500 mah need to be lifted with the battery cover before I can fully take them out too.
It's a bit of a pain, but I'd prefer doing that rather than having the unit shut it's self down every two minutes :)
If it's not the batteries just send it back A.S.A.P
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