Well, we can't say that it is GPH's fault that we don't have the full Mplayer source. It's MagicEyes fault.
This post should be void, closed, and deleted if the GPL doesn't cover this or I'm mistaken in some way, but I think we should Slashdot the GP2X again, for the source of the binary that MagicEyes has for Mplayer that gives access to the hardware. I seriously don't know why it is and should be closed source, and it would probably help all of us if we have access to this hardware, not only for much improved codec support, but also for real number crunching like a FPU.
I think we deserve it...
This post should be void, closed, and deleted if the GPL doesn't cover this or I'm mistaken in some way, but I think we should Slashdot the GP2X again, for the source of the binary that MagicEyes has for Mplayer that gives access to the hardware. I seriously don't know why it is and should be closed source, and it would probably help all of us if we have access to this hardware, not only for much improved codec support, but also for real number crunching like a FPU.
I think we deserve it...