Mozilla Firefox

Ive been using firebird for some time, im just going to upgrade to this latest version

Tbh, i havent found any bugs with 0.7, and its easily the fastest windows browser ive used.

But thanks for the update :)
Agreed on thunderbird, its very good

Am now running firefox, and early signs are good :)

Does the new name have anything to do with the 'thought controlled' fighter jet from the film with the same name? :)
kjun posted on Feb 10 2004 at 10:22 AM said:
Tbh, i havent found any bugs with 0.7, and its easily the fastest windows browser ive used.
interesting, actually I think it's quite likely to be the graphics chip/driver in my pc that was causing the problems. I tend to leave browser windows open for weeks on end which probably isn't helping......
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its a pretty good browser. better than ie and opera. i dunno if anyones noticed (or if its just me) but sometimes when windows open they shake? its pretty weird.
ok....i have now decided this browser sucks because of that shaking thing so i downloaded mozilla 1.6....which is do you get links that open in a new window to open in a tab?
I'm still on 0.7 as I'm waiting for the debian package to be released, but I spoke to a guy today who says that firefox is quite buggy compared to firebird 0.7 (he does have a tendency to exagerate though).

For those of you trying to open links in a new tab, middle clicking should do it.

Axeman, you really should give tabbed browsing a try. It makes forum and news reading so much easier.
Never tried a different browser since IE became integrated into the OS never could be arsed trying something else, whats the point IE is part of the OS, it does its job

Have to say having jut downloaded Firefox after reading this thread I quite like it, it feels a hell of a lot fasters and steamlined than ie6. Makes IE feel clunky by comparison.. may keep this installed.. Shame you can't uninstall IE 6 <_< Does seem a nice browser
Axeman posted on Feb 10 2004 at 03:10 PM said:
Can't be arsed - have tried other browsers, and IE does me just fine!

Sorry :P
If you like IE, I would suggest looking up SlimBrowser. It's like IE, but has tabbed window browsing like NetSc&reg;ape. The only problem is if you're using a program like Ad-Watch, where it tries to stop pop-up ads by killing the process. Well, it kills the whole SlimBroswer process and you lose whatever other sites you wre browsing in SB. I wasnt careful of that when browsing suprnova and it killed SB on me. Now I still have to load suprnova in a seperate IE window.
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You can uninstall IE, but to be honest, it's not worth the hassle, as programs which use it internally for showing, eg, status or help information suddenly stop working.

Anyway, I use Opera at home and the Mozilla nightlies at work up until about a couple of weeks ago, so still on Mozilla Firebird 0.7+ (ie, not 0.7, but not 0.8 either)
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 10 2004 at 08:49 PM said:
ok....i have now decided this browser sucks because of that shaking thing so i downloaded mozilla 1.6....which is do you get links that open in a new window to open in a tab?
Middle-click a link and it should go into another tab. I live and swear by tabbed browsing, one of the many reasons I dropped my GetRight+IE+Google Toolbar+Proximitron combo for a program that does all of those things together: Mozilla. (With the adblock and googlebar extensions of course, but firefox will do most of that out of the box).

As for Axeman's can't be arsed comment - well, just remember there's a lot of people suffering with less than perfect solutions because they think Microsoft is the Alpha and the Omega. Merely knowing about other solutions is useless if you are not willing to try them. I suggest, for the tiny download and nearly instant install, that you give Firefox a try.
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Dozer posted on Feb 11 2004 at 09:31 PM said:
i dont see what else u need apart from IE and the google toolbar.
Same here ..well thats what i though until i downloaded it. Last balternative to IE i tried was Netscape when i first started uni in 1994 for the past dog knows how may years all i've used/known is IE

The product actually feels and looks more streamlined and better build quality... not to mention fast! Like the Integrated pop up stopper and google in the browser (or add other search engines)

Give a whirl it only ...... gasp a 6.2 meg d/l! How many megs is IE i wonder ;)

Im really pleased i've downloaded and installed it and have removed IE from my quick launch bar hopefully never to be launched again. :D
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