Mortal Kombat Zero For Gp32 In Dev :)


Active Member
Apr 9, 2003
Hello :)

here is a great news : the Korean guys haven't forget our lovely gp32_console & they are still working on it :)
the proof is that new game announced here on or here on GPzigi which is obviously .... a fighting game lol ;p It's called Mortal Kombat Zero & made by Wildcat team... It obviously seems to get really nice gfx :P but my knowledges in Korean don't allow me to give you more news :'(
so if someone who speak Korean can translate the few words on that page then we'll learn alot more about this project :)
Some Arts are avaiable on the official Homepage
ill translate it generally...

This guy has been working no this project for about 4 years ever since he tried to make a mk winamp skin. He wanted to play a new 2d mk game. However he did not know that his project will take such a long time and how "elite" his game would turn out (ok he doesnt say elite but what the hell ;) ). Although many people gathered to help the creation of this game, they were soon separated. So the first sample of his game turned out crappy. As time passed the game got better. For each character there are more than 250 frames...

ok ill stop here. this is just an update on whats going on with the game and has no realease date, info, etc. the author will bring more infio and screenshots in the future.
yes that are good news.
i don't know why but i find that some caracters are looking a bit nonprofessional.
maybe not in the game but the pics of the caracter faces. we will see if wildcat can make a good gp32 game.
maybe their english isn't so good and they think that the names are cool.

that is very very true.. try watching korean anime and manhwa... (if you dont know what that means its korean manga (and if you dont know what manga is, its a japanese comic book))
I think that looks pretty cool. Regardless of how homebrew it *may* look (I personally like the graphic style) its always good to have the prospect of new GP games.

I had seen the other project on that page before...I think it was posted on insertcredit a while ago...

(as an aside, if you dont already go to insertcredit for game news then you should start, they have a great reporting style and are VERY up to date!)