here is a great news : the Korean guys haven't forget our lovely gp32_console & they are still working on it
the proof is that new game announced here on Ruliweb.com or here on GPzigi which is obviously .... a fighting game lol ;p It's called Mortal Kombat Zero & made by Wildcat team... It obviously seems to get really nice gfx
but my knowledges in Korean don't allow me to give you more news 
so if someone who speak Korean can translate the few words on that page then we'll learn alot more about this project
Some Arts are avaiable on the official Homepage
here is a great news : the Korean guys haven't forget our lovely gp32_console & they are still working on it
the proof is that new game announced here on Ruliweb.com or here on GPzigi which is obviously .... a fighting game lol ;p It's called Mortal Kombat Zero & made by Wildcat team... It obviously seems to get really nice gfx
so if someone who speak Korean can translate the few words on that page then we'll learn alot more about this project
Some Arts are avaiable on the official Homepage