First of all, let me introduce myself, i'm Gi/\nn0, the guy who is working on Mortal Kombat Konquest BOR MOD.
That's my first post here and i'd like to say some words and details about Mortal Kombat - Konquest!
First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for playing this mod on your GP32! That was a real surprise for me! I saw the pics on the BOR forum. They were posted by a friend, Hokutoy. He is a bor modder too and is working on the cool Village Of Rage Mod.
(This part i posted on BOR forum sometime ago, i'm posting here to share with you all my path through MKK till now.)
...to be continued...
First of all, let me introduce myself, i'm Gi/\nn0, the guy who is working on Mortal Kombat Konquest BOR MOD.
That's my first post here and i'd like to say some words and details about Mortal Kombat - Konquest!
First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for playing this mod on your GP32! That was a real surprise for me! I saw the pics on the BOR forum. They were posted by a friend, Hokutoy. He is a bor modder too and is working on the cool Village Of Rage Mod.
(This part i posted on BOR forum sometime ago, i'm posting here to share with you all my path through MKK till now.)
I've been working on Mortal Kombat Konquest a long time ago. Then, in the middle way, i decided to redo everything.
Check the old ScreenShots below!
Old MOD ScreenShots
I gave up and decided to restart this MOD specially because of the chars. Their images resolution were low, and they were small... Not really small, but how can i say, they weren't big enough.
I Changed the chars size, they are bigger now, i'm trying to do something different... Much better resolution for the sprites, now you can even count Baraka's teeth, for example and better effects during fatality animation.
Yes, i forgot mentioning.. Each char has it's fatality animation. Above you can check old Baraka's and below Mileena's one.
Instead of default bor Flash animation, i'm using Snow's flash animation 2 (the blood effect animation). I just resized and applyed that to the new colour palette. Thanks to Snow!
Actual MOD ScreenShots
Besides the sprites changes, which lead me to redo everything, I changed bor source code. This mod uses an unique colour map which i designed myself chosing the colors that should fit better to the chars, backgrounds and scenes. More important changes were and are still being made specially to improve fatality animation effects.
Special thanks to Ian Micheal from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles MOD: Raphael is Missing" (great mod, by the way) who will recompile the source to allow us to play Mortal Kombat Konquest on DC and Roel VanMastBergen from BOR for the support.
Do not worry about backgrounds shown at these screenshots. They all will be remade. I'm just working on CHARS now. When i finish them, i'll head to the backgrounds stages and scenes. The first background, on those "old mod screenshots" were made for a stage named: "The Living Forest", whose boss will be Reptile. Those backgrounds were made using TERRAGEM for the ground. I'll keep this idea up to all stages backgrounds.
As i said before, actual backgrounds are just for testing...
...to be continued...