Mnt/utmp Problems ?


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I can't save my quake2 games, it gives the error can't write to /mnt/utmp/.............
Also firefox when I started it the first time I had to make a new default user account and it also gave an error cant write to /mnt/utmp/.............

Next to that I am not able to close firefox by just clicking the cross in the upper right corner and whenever I try to click a menu it freezes. And quake2 freezes at different moments in the game.

I did not have these issues on my previous pandora I dont know what changed?

(running HF3 and Community codec)
I also experience random freezes when starting Firefox. Just tried a Quake2 save and it worked OK but as said before Firefox issue is random and usually clears up after brutally pummeling the process and restarting a few times.

Was running HF4b3, just updated to prefinal though
Until 3 minutes ago I was running my pandora with hotfix4beta2:

Saving/ Loading Q2 works fine, I got a ext2 SD Card though with read/ write access to /pandora for everyone.

But I also have random freezes in Q2: sometimes I played for 2h without problems, sometimes it freezes after 3 minutes. Rebooting is the only thing to get back to desktop.
zapman said:
Until 3 minutes ago I was running my pandora with hotfix4beta2:

Saving/ Loading Q2 works fine, I got a ext2 SD Card though with read/ write access to /pandora for everyone.

But I also have random freezes in Q2: sometimes I played for 2h without problems, sometimes it freezes after 3 minutes. Rebooting is the only thing to get back to desktop.

Yes I experience the same (but also without saving) so the hanging has probably nothing to do with the inability to save. For me also the only solution to get out of the hang is by rebooting
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