Meritous Update


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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Hey guys, long time no nothing, but I've been looking at Meritous again and managed to add widescreen support (still need to tweak some issues, but besides some title screen glitches I haven't seen any MAJOR bugs...).

Performance might be better also, tried to incorporate the neon math routines here:, Although I don't really know how to fix them up (random issues like the assembler routines not actually returning any value for the function, causing compiler warnings while delivering the proper result anyways :P and atan2f and logf just breaking my code HARDCORE).

** Note to self, just noticed when you have the enemy locator dealie, the ? only show up when they're within the original 640X480 area. Fix it :P **

So, I'm going to wait to squash the bugs to upload a new PND, but in the meantime here's the binary that you can just drop into the appdata/meritous folder and try it out. Feedback/bug reports appreciated...


Nice :)

Let me know when you want to put it on the repo, as I'm the maintainer of the old one.

(I don't remember - didn't I add widescreen support as well to my version?)
ED: Will let ya know when I've gotten it a bit more polished up and ready for the PND to go back on Repo ;) If you did add widescreen support it wasn't in the .pnd on the repo (P.S. good job on putting the src in the .PND, made it nice to be able to pull it all out and go from there instead of hunting it down ;) )

Ingoreis: Might be awhile (currently in the process of finding a place to live, most of my stuff is packed up in a friends shed) but I'll look into, but I'll probably have to refactor some of the code to allow switching back to 640X480 mode if people want non-widescreen output to tv... (if widescreen tv-out is possible, I assume it is, but have no proof) did most of my code changes as an offset, but somethings I kinda fudged to get it working sooner, but I always have meritous v1.2 source to reference back to and compare/fix ;)
EDs old port was always crashing for me, hope this one works. 
Elw3: It's actually a bad .xm file that causes a segfault (AFAIK), I *HOPEFULLY* will manage to get the right one in the PND this time... Along with the helpfile being a proper unix line end one so it displays properly ;)
ED: Maybe you polished off your port but forgot to upload it to the repo? Not really sure, but it's one of the nicest small projects for me to cut my teeth on before starting to dig into some old projects again ;) Also, I'll try and do some checks to see which .xm is proper, which one is borked, etc. and let ya know what's up...
So here's a beta .PND, should only be a few small issues to resolve, but prove me wrong :P

I forgot to remove my savefile from the folder before making the PND, so PLEASE DON'T PUT THIS ON THE REPO, I'll make an official release in a few days!

List of changes:

-Widescreen! (titlescreens don't count :P )

-neon math for some parts, seems to not get bogged down nearly as bad when your facing crazy boss' and such...

-Should have fixed help

-Should have non-segfault causing music, but let me know if it craps out on ya!

-Should use less memory, but I didn't do any tests to check...

Things I haven't been able to test yet:

-End game stuff, made modifications to some, but didn't keep my pre-boss savestate :( So I gotta play through it again...

-Lots of things!

Things I know are wrong:

-Minimap is not centering character when it's drawn, nothing functionally wrong, just REALLY hard to tell what moves what in the spaghetti code for the 3 game maps... hardcoded values all around!  Fixed

-I included a savefile in PND  fixed!

-Psi Circuit bar on bottom not going full way across  Done!

-Circle enemies shoot about 30 degrees counterclockwise from the direction they should it seems   (Part of the game design)

-Had to remove some of the neon math functions in order to get it working again, I should fix and reimplement... (specifically atan2f is the one that caused me issues with meritous)

-Going to menu while paused then coming back unpauses, not sure if I like that... not necessarily something broken though

-Maybe prevent spawning extra checkpoints in the start room... other special tile "quirks"

-Add the ability for resizing back to 640X480 if needed (might be useful for tv-out... but might be easier to just use a ginge-wrapped meritous for Wiz as it will fit a tv better and still do the trick I believe...)



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