GP32 math.h with Gp32


Still Fresh
Mar 30, 2003
Is there any way of getting math.h to work when compiling with gcc to gp32. I am dev'ing my game using MS Visual Studio 6 and it compiles nicely in the GP32 sdk. Runs perfect in the GamePark emulated Win32 version of the GP32, however.... When I try to compile with gcc I get stuffed with errors. I have tracked these down to the fact I use fmod in my game. I didn't actually include "math.h" in my game, I guess MSVS just links it in with my code on it's own :) sounds like Microsoft.

My question is, how can I get gcc to use the fmod function? - or perhaps like my sin problem, someone knows the maths work-around for fmod too :) please... go on :)

Thanks in advance peeps.
to use the include math.h in GCC, you have to declare the lib in your makefile :

add it here :
LDBASEFLAGS = -Tlnkscript -lgpfont -lm -lgpstdlib -lgpos -lgpgraphic -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpmem

exemple with a makefile in miniGP32

#include <math>

allow u to use math function.
For sinus and cosinus use, it is better to use a trigo table pasted in another topic.
Thanks Pekele for your answer. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I definately will do. In the mean time I figured out how to work around my math usage. I was only using the fmod command, and I got around it by simply doing result=count%limit. Basically I wanted a number from 0-1000 to just return as 0-28 then wrap around. The answer was soooo stupid I just couldn't find it :)

Thanks again.