Caveat: Sorry if I am waffling, lack of sleep.
Something I feel I can talk about (just)
Kramy said:
Am I the only person that wants LXDE? :lol:
That is LXLauncher running on top of LXDE

. LXDE runs on the Pandora as is. LXLauncher is not quite so stable however, that needs a little work to get it into shape.
As for the differing Pandora images, it's all really down to the individual developers choice and what environment they feel comfortable using (they can pick and choose what they run on their development unit, they are not forced to run anything).
All the Pandora images are built using 2 main tasks (ok, this is a massive oversimplification for the purpose of this post).
This first 'task' builds the Pandora core image, this is a set of apps (and other OpenEmbedded/Angstrom components) that will result in a regular Pandora image without any GUI or XServer (developers will know this as the pandora-core-image.ubi/.tar.bz2).
Things such as kernel, modules, drivers, OGLES, CLI tools, libPND, nano/vi

etc. are in this task. Anything you need for a good solid image without a GUI.
The next task adds uses the above 'core' and adds the XServer (It has always been XOrg and not KDrive for the record), Window Manager, DE (maybe a DM) and GUI apps, wizards etc. (anything that is not 'core' or requires a GUI really).
There are several of these tasks for the Pandora.
The popular ones with developers include the E17 based one (obviously), there are also ones based on several other popular environments.
In fact, below is a list of the GUI environments that currently get regularly built for the Pandora from OpenEmbedded/Angstrom metadata (either by me or by my little autobuilder). It's not an exhaustive list and as a rule, if there is metadata in OpenEmebedded for it, chances are you can get it going easily.
- Enlightenment E17 (with options to enable illume etc. to make it more 'touchscreen friendly) - E17 has been getting a lot of code love from Angstrom devs (and Raster
) and it's a very popular choice on the Beagle
- Matchbox (both 1 and 2). This was planned to be the default, the way we develop the images we can still be flexible on this. Works well but maybe a little less 'modern' looking than some of the others. It's also a better window manager than desktop environment.
- LXDE (caveats that LXPanel is not very stable and the whole environment feels like it needs time to mature a little on ARM)
- Gnome 2.26 (runs a lot better than expected but it's hamstrung by the fact it can eat memory quickly)
- XFCE 4.4.* (not a bad choice, performs well)
- XFCE 4.6.* (WIP, getting this going well using OpenEmbedded is a current pet project of mine as I see that 4.6.* has some really interesting potential and I personally like it
Not really sure what else I can say but if someone has a direct question I'll try and answer.
I'll probably try and embellish the above text and put a post up on my blog about images. I have one in drafts about the XFCE 4.6.* work anyway; maybe doing some other related posts it is a good idea.