making disks


Feb 21, 2003
I have got some st games that are just files that where on the original st disks-is there any way of getting the files onto a ST disk image or running them from castaway?
You'd have to put them back onto an St disk and then convert it into an image (tools available from loads of ST sites).

Dunno if there's a way to add files directly into disk images?

Anyone know?
I ended up using an st emulator on my pc,makeing a blank disk image then setting up a harddisk on the st emu with my files in it,then i copyed the files from the st harddrive into the disk using the st emu desktop.
lurch posted on May 15 2003 said:
I ended up using an st emulator on my pc,makeing a blank disk image then setting up a harddisk on the st emu with my files in it,then i copyed the files from the st harddrive into the disk using the st emu desktop.
moron would work well this way.. you can specify a directory on your HJD to be an ST drive, and then copy files form it to floppy disk images.. works okay.

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MSA Convert can create new disks on a PC and you can copy all files using an explorer onto them.
That's how I do this.
To transfer files from disk to disk, I use the moron emulator & insert the source disk & target disk in each drive.
You can them transfer files using the ST desktop (tested with Amberstar, so I know it works).You don't need to use a HD...
When it comes to originals, I can guarantee you there is no way to transfer them 95% of the time. This is due to the heavy protections on ST games. I asked the question on many messageboards & the answer is unanimous: Don't waste your time ! Transfering the disk files to HD & then back to a blank disk won't solve your problem as the game is still protected (a few games have no protection, but that is pretty rare).
Well, there may be a solution, but it is quite complex & probably does not work: The CAPS team have a tool that is able to completely & 100% copy disks including protections. The problem is that the tool runs only on Amiga. I think it is possible to process ST disks, though. But obviously that requires an Amiga, ST originals & the tool itself, along with the PC to Amiga cable. Good luck !
One thing that can be done, though is getting the unprotected non-ROM files (what you would normally see on a ST emu if you browse the disks - TOS, PRG,... files) from a game (a few sites have these), copy it to a PC disk (720K). Then use makedisk 1.4 & it will create a ST image of the disk. I used this to get a clean (well, as clean as can be, the original files still have been cracked - at least, there is no time wasting intros or menus & most importantly they work) copy of Archipelagos, Barbarian & bob winner. I have had 100% success using this method so far.
Hope that helps,
