Mac Os


Still Fresh
Nov 9, 2004
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Mac OS for GP32 is a good ideaa cause it's 5x simpler to use then windows plus if games,movies,music,ect can transfered,created via mac then life would be simple right? On the user freindly computer system.
Mac OS for GP32 is a good ideaa cause it's 5x simpler to use then windows plus if games,movies,music,ect can transfered,created via mac then life would be simple right? On the user freindly computer system.
Do you work for Mac OS?

I'm not gonna check it out til' it reaches ver 0.75 or something... can create game/movie/music files on it?
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Mac OS for GP32 is a good ideaa cause it's 5x simpler to use then windows plus if games,movies,music,ect can transfered,created via mac then life would be simple right? On the user freindly computer system.

its a great idea, just poorly executed but i made a wallpaper u can use until a good one comes out (click it to get a full sized one)
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I own a eMac plus i'm getting a GP32 shipped to me in Canada whenever that is :angry:

anyways there;s already mac os platforming for GP32 out there if you search via

just type in GP32 OS mac and you'll find it.

good luck
I own a eMac plus i'm getting a GP32 shipped to me in Canada whenever that is :angry:

anyways there;s already mac os platforming for GP32 out there if you search via

just type in GP32 OS mac and you'll find it.

good luck

The GP32 is perfectly compatible with the mac - you can use Mr. Spiv's maclink from the command line, or my GUI version, or gpDrive (which mounts just like a USB pen drive)...

You can also develop for the GP32 on the mac - follow Mr. Spiv's information...
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You know it'll never be much more than a mac styled .fxe launcher.
Wind-Ups won't ever be like windows.
Linux is the only thing that at this point looks like it can be a real OS
with multitasking and such.
You've got the wrong idea. Most mac created movies will not work on
anything but pc's and macs. Why? Most mac created movies are .MOV files
which are NOT open-standard. It sounds pretty hard to make compatible
.avi movies on a mac. BTW Windows is NOT harder than MacOS. It is a stupid
opinion that is NOT based in any truth. And Gp32 will never have a "real" MacOS,
or a "real" windows because those systems cannot be emulated, and theose OS'es
are NOT open-source.
it's not dumb the emulators for mac are better and run faster than win/dos.

plus mpeg-2 avi files are much better qualty and fommatted for mac vs pc.
This a Gp32 forum. Mac/Win emulators will never be
availiable on the Gp. It's not powerful enough. And MPEG2 doesn't
work on the Gp, only specially formatted Divx/Xvid .avi's do.
Does anyone know what mac os you need to use the game creator software i just ordered one today and was wonderin if i would be able to use the software with my mac os 10?

gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console