little john is full speed and has a lot of fonction.
nester is good but not always at full speed but i think that it has more mapper (not sure) .
i recomand u little john (yoyo rules!)
fnes has some bugs yet and is much slower than little john (features some cool stuff though), go for lj04 !
nester only if u like the fullscreen option
Little john it's faster and more complete. Little john is still being developed while nester has been dropped right around the time little john came out.
They are both very good and sometimes one is better than the other depending on the game, I find. I have both on my card and generally use LittleJohn (as it supports Elite) but if I want to try out a game that doesn't work on LittleJohn (not often this happens) or doesn't seem quite full speed, I switch to Nester and that is usually better in those cases.
littlejohn is brilliant, full speed, lovely sound, savestates etc.
however it doesnt support as many mappers or sumthin as fnes, which is also a damn brilliant emu. if u have a problem runnin a game in LJ itll usually run in fnes.
I dont like nestergp.
Check out ricos( I think) review of the nes emus from way back.