GP32 link problems


Certified Guru
Nov 1, 2002
Hello there,
The DevelopArea with VisualStudio works perfectly with the solution for c++/c :-) thanx
And now I've tried to compile my files with devkitadv. after some hours and more I fixed all stupid links to windows-includes :o) and created a makefile which can compile the sources..

but in the linking-phase I get this

c:/devkitadv/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/arm-agb-elf/3.0.2/../../../../arm-agb-elf/lib/libstdc++.a(pure.o): In function `__cxa_pure_virtual':
../../../../gcc-3.0.2/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/ undefined reference to `write'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [psnake.elf] Error 1

If I don't link the 'stdc++' I get a lot of errors for nearly every cpp-file:

mycfile.o(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTI9PGalIntro+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'

And I came across another thing, 'feof' doesn't function ?! with the 'devkitadv', or ?? fopen, fscanf and so on seems to work.. (but this isn't really important, I replaced these things :] )

AND I'm so happy :))) my GP32 arrived previous tuesday !!! COOL !!!! functions perfectly !!

Hmm, try to run without RTTI..
That might help the second problem, dunno about the first.
is libc.a also linked with your app?

well okay :) I needed some time, but just was this function 'write' ... in the handy-emu I could not believe it :D

void write ( int ff, char * bla, int fd )

was there, et voila' it compiles !! :)