Korean registration - gpviewer1.1


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2002
I went yesterday on the Korean site of Gamepark to download gpviewer1.1. My Korean isn't good (that is: I don't know any of it), so it took me a while fiddling around before getting the right page. Once there, I tried to find the download button, but to no avail.

It then occured to me that to download stuff, I might have to register, and so I tried to login using my English site login and password. And that didn't work.

Two questions, then: Can we actually register on the Korean site? And why hasn't the Englsih site been upgraded with the new version of gpviewer? (Especially considering our download is still the Korean version!)
Anyone? :huh:
Yes, that's what I meant! :D

Let me rephrase: The gpviewer being in Korean anyway, why hasn't Gamepark upgraded the download on the English site? (Only gpviewer1.0 was available last time I checked)

It's more of a rethorical question than anything else, but it worries me that Gamepark doesn't even bother updating their English site wich such a basic utility. Altough I admit it lost a lot of its usefulness with the excellent batch of ADIC releases...

PS: Hando, I tried to mail you about it: it seems your link to gpviewer1.1 is incorrect, it still points to 1.0. :P