Kaiten Patissier V1.00 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Alpha Secret Base released a new game for our little gp2x: Kaiten Patissier.


An interesting combination between a puzzle game and an arcade platformer.
You rotate the levels to rearrange the walls and platforms so that you can collect all the items.

Download: Kaiten Patissier
Homepage: http://maglog.jp/alpha-secret-base/Article313069.html
This is a great game.

I'm running the new beta of gmenu, and for some reason it freezes on the startup screen unless you turn "wrapper on" in the gmenu options. I don't know if the problem is the game or the gmenu beta, but just a heads-up to anyone with the same problem.

Its also realllllly slow under gmenu. Hope it gets sorted out, since its pretty fun.
Excellent game, such a nice surprise :) Cool graphics and sound, very polished! Thank you Alpha Secret Base!
Alex. said:
Excellent game, such a nice surprise :) Cool graphics and sound, very polished! Thank you Alpha Secret Base!
I've played it for a bit, looks like a great game, except there's a lot of pause glitchyness, especially between levels.

I'm running on an F200 using the 4.0.0 firmware and running from the 2nd most recent gmenu2x.
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Excellent fun! A little on the unpolished side re: sound and loading (the sound stutters a bit inbetween levels) but the gameplay is excellent, the idea is, as far as I know at least, fairly original, and the graphics are wayyyy good, in a japanese way :D Thumbs up!

Someone mentioned that Alpha Secret Base have another game for the gp2x, but that one I didn't understand at all. As far as I figured, it was a game about sorting different colored trees?
Their other game can be found here:


It's easily one of the best homebrew games i've played on the gp2x.

grahf said:
No, there is that one (which is really basic and not much fun), and another that sort of reminds me of Bionic Commando in a way.
It actually seems to be a tribute to Umihara Kawase, an obscure SNES/PSX game which builds on the grappling hook mechanic from bionic commando. The graphics are very similar, the two games play quite a bit differently though.
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A_Llama said:
Their other game can be found here:


It's easily one of the best homebrew games i've played on the gp2x.

grahf said:
No, there is that one (which is really basic and not much fun), and another that sort of reminds me of Bionic Commando in a way.
It actually seems to be a tribute to Umihara Kawase, an obscure SNES/PSX game which builds on the grappling hook mechanic from bionic commando. The graphics are very similar, the two games play quite a bit differently though.

Umihara Kawase! Now you're talking to me properly!!!
*goes off downloading immediately*
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You're right - that is bloody excellent, too. Now, wasn't I suppose to sleep now? Or work? Or something like that, anyways...*goes off to play more with grappling hooks*
sorry but Umihara Kawase is much better cause of the physics of it. their "tribute" is ok but kind of dull. If I hadn't played Umihara Kawase I might have found it better. This new game Kaiten Patissier is pretty cool though. always nice to have more homebrew for the gp2x though and nice that its now on the archive. Makes me wonder if there is more foreign gp2x games we don't know about that are really good.

In a related matter (japanese gp2x homebrew) could someone upload alert found here http://homepage2.nifty.com/isshiki/prog_gp2x_game.html to the archive. The initial release was way too easy but the current one is more balanced. its a boss rush shmup. since the rRootage port seems kind of stuck its the closest we have on the gp2x.
Very nice game.

Finally finished all the levels, although I didn't really try to get all the secret items & beat the records. :P

The stuttering audio between levels is still present like in Gannatsu Portable. It's not a big deal anyway.

Now on to Ura Kaiten Patissier. :)