Just Got My New F-200, And The B Button Seems To Be Stuck


Still Fresh
Oct 13, 2007
Well, last week I finally broke down and ordered an F-200 after putting my MK2 up for auction. It arrived this morning and everything seemed to be in good working order, but after about 5 minutes or so of fooling around with it, I went into an emu (alexkidd2x-v05) the B button seems to be registering as being continually pushed even though it doesn’t appear to be physically stuck. I went into the system menu and everything else seems to be working fine, but the thing auto launches the first emu on the list from the SD card (that has GMenu2x on it)

I already contacted the place I bought it from to get a repair order, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if anyone had any advice of suggestions before I waste the money and time shipping it back for a new unit.

Any ideas what could be wrong or is it just a faulty unit.
Thanks in advance for any replies. I am a bot bummed out about the whole thing at the moment.
This isnt much you can really do without opening the unit. Which you shouldnt do since its still under warranty.

Try just pressing the button rappidly for a few minutes and see if it starts to respond.
Well, I managed to get into a couple of emus by inserting the SD card after boot up then selecting them and everything else about the system seems to work just fine. I really like the pad and the viewing angle seems much better compared to the F-100 units I have owned in the past.

I still haven’t gotten any word back from GP2Xstore.com, but it’s only been 24 hours. I have done a lot of business with them in the past and they seem like a pretty reliable site, but anyone have any experience with returns and repairs with them?

I adjusted to the notion of sending it back at this point, it’s just the sitting in limbo waiting for things to get into motion that’s killing me now…
No. Thats the weird part, the button doesnt register in the emu's or in the system tester menu built into the unit. At first I thought maybe it was the touchscreen somehow interfearing with it, but that doesnt seem to be the case as far as I can tell.
For example, USB(!) joy <right> acts as B button in 2.1.1 frontend

Maybe some bad nand byte drings great chaos to gp2x gaming?
I dont think I followed that right.

Are you saying simply running an emulator could have messed up something in the internal memory/config of the system itself?


I would hope that would not be possible.

Either way, I still havent heard back from the gp2xstore, but I cant seem to find any negative complaints floating around anywhere in cyberspace...

I think I'll just go get drunk or something... :P
Well, still no luck and still no word from the GP2Xstore. Now I am starting to wonder about what exactly is going on with these guys. I have bought quite a bit of merchadise from these guys and they have been uber fast with shipping, but this is somewhat bothersome.

Anyone else have problems getting repairs or returns honored with this place? :(
housemonkey said:
Well, still no luck and still no word from the GP2Xstore. Now I am starting to wonder about what exactly is going on with these guys. I have bought quite a bit of merchadise from these guys and they have been uber fast with shipping, but this is somewhat bothersome.

Anyone else have problems getting repairs or returns honored with this place? :(
If you go into the settings and the buttons all test fine then how can it be a hardware problem? Try reinstalling the emulator? Does it work in other games?
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Maybe I worded my reply poorly. In the test app the B button will not light up at all. It simply doesnt register. But upon entering the main menu it acts as though its being contunually pressed. Even some of the built in games are freezing as soon as you start them up (after using the touchscreen to get into the games menu) because of this.

It is most certainly not specific to a emulator and something going on with the hardware.

Side question though for anyone who knows:

How would they know I opened up a system if I did try and take care of this myself. I didnt see any sticker or some such thing you would have to break to open it on a cursory look over the thing?
Update: Well, I just got a response in my in box in the last few hours and a little apology for the slight delay so I think I am all set now.


Too bad the little sucker didnt work, but as long as I am in motion getting it fixed I am cool.

Thanks for responses.
Sorry to bump the dead topic, but I just wanted to report that I got my system back from gp2xstore today and after 20 min or so of testing it seems to be working perfectly.


Going by my guesstimate they must have repaired it right away so I am quite happy about that in the end. I was braced for the possibility of it being sent back to Korea for the repairs, so getting it back so soon is a damn nice thing.

Anyhow, figured I would give that update with my positive experience to balance, and now that that’s done, I have been dying to play the new MAME that of course was released right after I sent the thing in :P
