Just Got My Gb32, Problems Problems....

Monster Party

Still Fresh
Jan 21, 2006
Va Beach
Hey all,

I just got my gp32 blu and have never been more satisfied except that at the moment I'm stuck playing just the games the guy left on a previous smc! How the hell do you reformat these games? I downloaded the little john nes player and it shows up just fine but I cant figure out how to add my roms on there! Right now the roms have this extension example megaman.nes. I already put the games under 8 characters but dont know what to do from there. I need a kind soul to help me out. Is an arm or ericcson keyboard or some kind of file converter needed? and where do i drop them from there? required for this. I need STEP by STEP instructions, im new to all this shit. thanks! frustrated.
Welcome to the community! :D First, you should read up on your new device at the website in my sig. It covers everything you need to know about your GP32 (including suggested software with pictures and links).

Also, I put together an easy little guide for the newest of newbs; it explains how to put programs on the SMCs. Find that here.

In the particular case of LittleJohn, the emulator (just like all free software) should be put in the GPMM folder, and the ROMs should be placed in a folder called NES that should be within the GPMM folder as well. Readmes almost always include this information, so be sure to check them out first.
1. Start by reading this!
2. Put ljgp.fxe inside the GPMM folder on your SMC. Next, create a new folder inside the GPMM folder called NES. Put megaman.nes inside the NES folder. Disconnect your device from the computer, then launch Little John. Also, read all the readme's assuming there are any.

Hehe, got beaten to it :P Anywho, LittleJohn has a readme, so I advise you read it for control info. I'm surprised that the readme does not cover where to put the roms though.