Is This Cheap?

Good God! That is waaay to expensive. Usually you can get them for around 20 pounds shipped (I'm in the US, so I don't have that little pound symbol on my keyboard...)

Edit: actually, I just realized that's for all of them. Never mind. That's a fairly decent price
Goity posted on Oct 23 2004 at 04:24 PM said:
Huh? US Keyboards Should Have The £ sign, Ours Have $ on them.
Yeah, but the dollar sign is pretty universal, tons of countries use it, whereas the UK is the only place that uses the £ sign.
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finty101 posted on Oct 23 2004 at 05:27 PM said:
They usually go for 15 pound a piece, so thats about normal.

These work out at £13.20 a piece including postage, so i guess that is a real good deal, if they are normally £15 plus postage.
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WhiteFalcon posted on Oct 23 2004 at 05:45 PM said:
Well guys, you are all from an expensive land...
I think even 10 pounds is a bit much, mine cost about 4 pounds.

That's great! How many can you supply me with? I have three mates all want one too.
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WhiteFalcon posted on Oct 23 2004 at 04:45 PM said:
Well guys, you are all from an expensive land...
I think even 10 pounds is a bit much, mine cost about 4 pounds.

Yes, but thats you building your own. People who cant solder, cant make them.. I would you to supply me with chatboards for £4 if thats how much you will do them for :P
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that's right, I saw a site that had chatboards for 3 pounds once, unmodded of course, but I cannot find it anymore. Can anyone provide me with some linkage?
Steve-O: Well, you are right, I didnt have to pay anything for the modding. I am not good at soldering and surely would not be able to do it myself, but I was watching when the guy was doing it for me and it took him about 15 minutes, maybe 10. I bought the unmodded chatboard new for about 4 EUR in a local mobile phone shop, they had three of them at the time. The connector cost about 3EUR and I had to buy in a mobile shop in the other part of the city, but at least I avoided having to have it sent. Finally the cable cost less than 1 EUR so to sum it up, the materials cost 8EUR, 10EUR at most.
I guess I will just have to add to this :D

I am sure any individual could if they wanted; resolve the problems of sourcing both Chatboard connector and cable. And with enough patience learn to solder these delicate PCB's.

However most people value their time more than the cost of getting one built for them? As they are getting a product that is guaranteed to work, or money back!

Toyz 4 Boyz
Your lucky nigelB :P
If I ever get around to learning bout international shipping and stuff, then I would sell them for 30 US dollars, shipping included
ur lucky Im lazy!
:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

WOW! A whole 6.77 USD cheaper and you think you can make them too the same quality as ours. Mmm and of course you wouldn't have to pay the 9.29 USD for the postage to the US, let alone the cost of padded envelope etc...

The facts are anyone with above average intelligence and dexterity skills could make a Chatboard, if they wanted to. And yes if you only want to build one you could probably buy them from Ebay at silly prices + POSTAGE! But the consistent quality would not be there and you would only have ONE. I have built more than 100 units in the last 3 week’s.

This has enabled us to supply GPS units to developers F.O.C. who are writing software for the sake of all developers and the community. (This week alone we handed over 300 GBP worth of equipment to a developer!) That would just not have happened without the support of our customers.

We also have TWO major announcements about new products before Christmas this year and our Chatboard customers will be the first in line to get one of these new products.

So if you want more products produced then perhaps it’s worth paying for? This whole project has cost us a considerable amount of money and time, there has been no profit made, any monies just go to purchase and research more hardware.

There have I justified my LUCK! In England we call it hard work.


Toyz 4 Boyz