Is The Caanoo Game Pack Worth The Extra Money?


Still Fresh
Sep 4, 2010
Hey guys. I've been looking to order a Caanoo, and I was wondering what kind of games came with the Game Pack (Caanoo-native, ported games like SuperTux, or emulated games) and if anyone here considered it worth the extra money.

Thanks in advance for any advice! :)
Also, would the games be preinstalled on the Caanoo, or would I get SD cards with the games, or would I just get a coupon and have to download them from FunGP?
i bought the a caanoo "package" with game pack and wifi stick, i only did this because the stick itselve was not availible seperately at the time i ordered.

The games i had gotten are : rhythmosplay10_c, propis_c and (kaitsen) patissier_c. those are "native" games the 1st is some kind of press the right button at the right time when hearing music, then 2nd is a puzzler in the bejeweld style (well it least i think so since i had no clue how to play it, didn't bother to look it up though, last one is that rotating platformer which was availible on the gp2x as well i think. All these games do look very polished. Yet i'm not into them (personal taste, i actually never bought any of these devices for playing games). lastly i also had the arcade games.

The package comes with a code for each game, you have to make an account on, enter the coupon codes and then download the games (which is a bitch since that site is deathslow ~20KB/sec max)

lastly finding the right place to enter your coupon code's is an adventure itselve (kept entering it in the wrong sections).

Lastly when everything is download you MUST use the pc manager tool (currently only availible on windows as far as i know) to transfer the games (DRM related).

The Arcade games (which are probably availible in mame4all as well, but now your allow to use them) uses an emulator i think it's custom made, since i couldn't find any references to other "open source emulator's" in the binary and it contained english spelling errors, but that doesn't mean a thing.

So eventually it's all personal taste i think :-)
Thanks joyrider, that helps a lot. :)

I think I'll pass on the game pack then, none of the native or arcade games particularly interest me (save for Kaiten/Rotate Patissier, but if what you say is correct I should be able to play the old GP2X version if GINGE comes out for Caanoo, no?), and I haven't heard very good things about FunGP either (my own casual perusal of the site didn't impress me much as well). In the end, I'm 20 USD closer to a Caanoo! :lol:

Thanks again! :D
Tux.King said:
Thanks joyrider, that helps a lot. :)

I think I'll pass on the game pack then, none of the native or arcade games particularly interest me (save for Kaiten/Rotate Patissier, but if what you say is correct I should be able to play the old GP2X version if GINGE comes out for Caanoo, no?), and I haven't heard very good things about FunGP either (my own casual perusal of the site didn't impress me much as well). In the end, I'm 20 USD closer to a Caanoo! :lol:

Thanks again! :D

it was a guess though because i had heared of the game before the caanoo came out, also the version on the caanoo (commercial one), might be diffrent then the one that was availible once :)

Wardner is a nice arcade game though, oh yeah i forgot to mention some of the games run in landscape mode, but they have adopted the controls for this, yet you have to hold the caanoo in a somewhat unnatural position then
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joyrider said:
it was a guess though because i had heared of the game before the caanoo came out, also the version on the caanoo (commercial one), might be diffrent then the one that was availible once :)

Yep, I checked the GP2X file archive, it's there. :) I imagine that the commercial version may have some special features/game modes, but I think I could go without.
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