IRC Channel change?


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia

Been thinking about how we have several IRC channels and think maybe it's time for us to migrate to a new configuration.

At the moment we have #openpandora, #dragonbox-pyra which is good but does not cater for:

1. Other things EvilDragon sells - There's lots of things that ED sells, we could branch out as support for all those other things.
2. Other handheld contraptions - There's a lot of other handheld contraptions in the niche scene, we could easily include them in the mix.

The name of the IRC channel could be simply #dragonbox which would cater for all EvilDragon's products with #dragonbox-dev channel for developers to yap about stuff, this way it's not too exclusive to Pandora / Pyra and will cater for all of his working products.

Another suggestion is ##handhelds and ##handhelds-dev but I am not sure how that'd go given that it might be too generic and may end up being too big.

Ooh!, another channel I can ban people in.

just thing to note, that it seems that the Pandora and the Pyra channels seem to be blurred any way. Most of the time we end up talking about classic computing, spilled milk and generic programming things and just what is on people's minds on either channel or at the same time.
Don't forget #hase!

Trashy makes a good point. So perhaps a single public dragonbox chan would avoid having to check if you're on the right channel before splurging, and might make it easier for channel ops to maintain the banlists. Perhaps more than one dev channel might be nice, since each device has its foibles, but then again a lot of stuff discussed in any one could be ported to most of the others.

So I'm undecided on how the dev channels could be refactored and extended going forward, but a single public channel for us freaks sounds like a good thing all round.
I guess there's no real need for a dev channel but it's available if required :)

Just need to get DJWillis to approve and we can go ahead.
[doublepost=1461733397,1461725228][/doublepost]Small update:
Contacted freenode, they need EvilDragon to create a group or something first?

As I am a moderator I don't have the authority apparently..

I was speaking with c in #freenode about it, EvilDragon, can you please fix this up?

We'd also need the channel updated on the site and on the wiki later as redirects will expire.
[doublepost=1461734604][/doublepost]Will probably need some more thought into this.. Some people aren't agreeing with the prospective changes..
Ooh!, another channel I can ban people in.

just thing to note, that it seems that the Pandora and the Pyra channels seem to be blurred any way. Most of the time we end up talking about classic computing, spilled milk and generic programming things and just what is on people's minds on either channel or at the same time.
So the same as in like every other channel I frequent? :p

IMO I don't consider the handheld channel name split-up as being a bad thing. Allthough I would rather have had #pyra over #dragonbox-pyra, easier to find. Also, if someone wants to check out what the openpandora is all about and is an common IRC user, he/she is more likely to find #openpandora than #dragonbox. Just saying.

For reference, as an example, the NetHack online community has *several* channels catering to different variants and servers, and it works just fine for them (#nethack, #nethack-dev, #nethack4, #nethackwiki, to name a few).
+1 for a single #dragonbox/#openhandhelds/#pandorapyra/#pyrapandora channel.
I am for #dragenbox in general and turning #pandora/pyra into a _real_ support channel without that much off topic.
Well how many times I have seen people talking about the pyra on the Pandora channel or vise versa. Conversations tend to be fluid and can segue into other topics quickly. having an offtopic channel just means there will be a three channels where people just talk about random things on.
There are very few channels I have come across that stay "on topic". Those that do are pretty much dead.