Interesting Name


Modder & Portablizer
Jan 12, 2006
Hampshire, UK.
Interesting name, Pandora - Pandora was a character in Greek mythology. She came about when Zeus was tricked for the benefit of mankind. This angered Zeus greatly and so he created the woman, who would be an evil to man. This woman was Pandora and instead of being wicked, she was curious. The Greek Gods gave her a box, each putting something harmful inside it and forbade her to open the box but be the curious woman she was, she had to know what was in the box. When she lifted the lid out came plagues, sorrow, and mischief for mankind. However one good thing did come out of the box. This was hope, the one thing that can comfort a man during misfortune.

Strange name for a gaming system! It's like calling a console "Trojan Horse" or "Titanic" or "Icarus".

So, who wants to open Pandora's box and release all the evils to the world?? :blink: :D
What is being freed and if it is good or bad is entirely in the eye of the beholder in this case.

To Apple, M$, Sony etc. i'm sure it looks bad. Not to the rest of us though.
All joking aside, I will be eagerly awaiting the reviews of the system and what people think of it, and exactly how good it proves to be, before I decide if I will get one or not. I hope Pandora lives up to the hype and proves to be fantastic.
gavie said:
bacteria said:
I hope Pandora lives up to the hype and proves to be fantastic.
I see a new bacteria mod coming :P

You could well be right! It all depends on how well placed the D-pad and controls are as to whether I would or not; and if the screen doesn't lay flat with the system then a mod would be needed as it would be awkward to use comfortably otherwise. Time will tell.
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