Inside The Box : Issue 3 Poll (Can willing contributors please contact me)

Would you like to see a third issue of Inside The Box?

  • Yes, I'm also willing to contribute

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • Yes, but only from a reader perspective

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • No (please post a reason if you select this)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DNF (Did Not Finish)
Apr 25, 2011
Would you like a third issue?

If we get sufficient contributors, we'll look at an August release, but I'll be in touch once there's enough interest

Edit: Can voters who are willing to contribute, please contact me to let me know who you are. Thanks

Edit 2:

Known Contributors (if you're name doesn't appear here, please let me know)

  • Kosmos
  • GiraffeeDreams
  • _wb_
  • Swarm
  • pmprog
  • torpor
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I could contribute an article on a Linux-newbie's experiences of a first non-windows-only PC.

I would also like to know where I can find issues 1& 2? And I was hoping to see them in the before-mentioned PND but also a PDF format for printing out, sharing with non-Pandora users to encourage them to join in. Others have express a desire for a PDF version as well. PCLinuxOS does a monthly distro Ezine as PDFs every month just this style.

What do you think?
I could contribute an article on a Linux-newbie's experiences of a first non-windows-only PC.
Sounds good

I would also like to know where I can find issues 1& 2? And I was hoping to see them in the before-mentioned PND but also a PDF format for printing out, sharing with non-Pandora users to encourage them to join in. Others have express a desire for a PDF version as well. PCLinuxOS does a monthly distro Ezine as PDFs every month just this style.
I've not seen anyone ask about a PDF version, and that would depend on time, I barely had enough time to get this issue out (April turned into a pretty busy month, I don't expect every month to be like that). The PND version hasn't materialised because I've not had the time to write the diskmag app, and nobody else stepped up (Apparently, StreaK had developed a few things, but by the time I joined the party, he no longer had them. I suspect they also only supported rending text based on the thread, whereas the format I allowed covered some basic formatting).
Ive put in a reader perspective. The reason is Im not a native english speaker, and a terrible writer even in my native tongue. And I don't have interesting perspectives. That about sums it up!
I've not seen anyone ask about a PDF version, and that would depend on time, I barely had enough time to get this issue out (April turned into a pretty busy month, I don't expect every month to be like that). The PND version hasn't materialised because I've not had the time to write the diskmag app, and nobody else stepped up (Apparently, StreaK had developed a few things, but by the time I joined the party, he no longer had them. I suspect they also only supported rending text based on the thread, whereas the format I allowed covered some basic formatting).

I can help out with the PDF version if I have the source files. Audio and Document work is what I do the most of.

Also, where can I find the first two issues?
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They can be found here: Issue 1 Issue 2

@pmprog: I have a couple of feature requests.

  • Now that there are multiple issues I'd like to see better navigation between issues, perhaps Next and Prev issue buttons at the top or bottom of the screen. I think a contents page linking directly to each issue would also be a good idea.
  • Require bylines at the top of each article under the main heading.
  • Any chance of adding a small margin of whitespace on the left and right of the main content window? I'd particularly like to see this on the right as having text flow all the way to the edge of the window always gives me the impression that it then continues off the right side of the screen. I keep looking for a horizontal scrollbar.

- Neelix
Now that there are multiple issues I'd like to see better navigation between issues, perhaps Next and Prev issue buttons at the top or bottom of the screen. I think a contents page linking directly to each issue would also be a good idea.
Yes, but as mentioned, I didn't have time to revamp the website, hence why the hackery feel to it. Hopefully now April is out of the way I can look at really sorting out the website and maybe even write the diskmag edition.

Require bylines at the top of each article under the main heading.
I did ask everybody to have an "About Me" paragraph at the bottom. I might do that either (or both) in the editorial stages if not done by the contributor, but depends on time.

Any chance of adding a small margin of whitespace on the left and right of the main content window? I'd particularly like to see this on the right as having text flow all the way to the edge of the window always gives me the impression that it then continues off the right side of the screen. I keep looking for a horizontal scrollbar.
Yes, totally agree, like I said, the site was just slapped on top the of the last.
Sorry, but could those who voted they would like to contribute please post here, or pm me. I forgot to set the poll to public, so I don't actually know who said they'd help out
There are a lot of things one could write without ever having a Pandora. You could review some retro games (it would be good too see these in every issue), or something that's been ported to the Pandora that you have used elsewhere. Maybe you're an expert in something like bash, vi, SSH, or any kind of coding, and could write an article about that. These are universal things that would be useful to Pandora owners.

You may not want to write about any of that of course. Just throwing it out there. :)
My Pandora is ready to be shipped, but next week I'm on holidays so I asked ED to send it later, when I'm back, which will be around May 14th. So there should be enough time for me to do something interesting and write about it before issue 3 appears.

I've been using GNU/Linux and nothing else (well, except for the iOS on my iPad) since 1998 - in the years before that, I used a dual boot setup with Windows 95 or NT. So I guess there are plenty of GNU/Linux related topics I could write about. I'm also going to try some Commodore 64 and DOS games to see how the gameplay is on a Pandora (nubs versus joysticks etc.) and compare it with my memories.

My current job is developing very high-level declarative programming languages (I'm a computer science post-doc researcher), so I might also try to get them working on the Pandora. One of the applications of one of these languages is autonomous sailboat routing (which is a pretty cool project, see; in this application, low-power is an important aspect, so I might be able to convince those guys to actually use a Pandora on their boat, provided all their software can be made to work.
Well the next issue is aimed at August so you should have plenty of time, I am doing a few reviews for the next issue, two or three hopefully.
Thanks. I'm waiting for those who say they'll contribute to contact me, so I know who's actually interested. If nobody speaks up, there's not really going to be an issue, because I won't know who to chase etc.

I'll update the first post with the known contributors
I'd like to see a PDF d/l option but understand the work effort.. my reason is because the HTML version doesn't display correct on my android phone which I am on most, I tried to read issue 2 early in the week when on a 4 hour train ride but it doesn't let me scroll so I only see start of each article.
This is interesting, I was just talking to my GF the other day when we were looking at magazines in the news agency and I said "I wish they had a pandora magazine" and we had a little chuckle. I'm glad to see I wasn't just dreaming.Found 'em. Will read them now :D

My current job is developing very high-level declarative programming languages (I'm a computer science post-doc researcher), so I might also try to get them working on the Pandora. One of the applications of one of these languages is autonomous sailboat routing (which is a pretty cool project, see; in this application, low-power is an important aspect, so I might be able to convince those guys to actually use a Pandora on their boat, provided all their software can be made to work.

That's pretty cool actually! Next step would be to have the defence force issue pandoras to all!
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I'd like to write an article regarding development on the Pandora ..
I'd like to write an article regarding development on the Pandora ..
Thanks. Added you to the list

Edit: I'll send a PM to contributors in the next week or two to just get some details.

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