id releases source codes for Wolfenstein 3D Platinum and Doom Classic

Is this a repeat of the 1995 ( Wolfenstien ) and 1997 (Doom) source code release?
the the source for iphone

i.e. it prob will contain some ARM optimisations and also the source for the touchscreen controlls

it could help a pandora port if there are any usefull optimasations, though the on screen controlls wouldnt be needed.
The Pandora ports don't need any optimizations. They already run flawless while underclocked. :P

I mean, I suppose as a challenge to the developer you could optimize further, but there's no actual benefit gained.
err, thought source code for doom was available (at least parts) as they used prboom as a base (i know cause i looked at it). Maybe it was a different os like android. confused now.
This appears to be the source code for the iOS releases specifically. Did the iOS release actually bring anything new to the engine, or was it just a rewrite of the same engine for a new platform?
Updated graphics? I prefer the graphics of the ios version and the sounds and music of the Dos version.