Icemans projects stopped???


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2003
surfed on some gp32 site, when i came on icemanGP page, the creator of the KOF, Garou motw and Metal Slug remakes for gp32, i couldnt believe my eyes... the site is closed and all projects are canneceld and sources are deleted :(
i have only one question... WHY??????????????????????????? :angry:

has somebody more infos about this?
and go and check the site, that are terrible news :(


Maybe because the gp community is going stale. I hardly ever go on the efnet channels anymore because it's mostly full of lamers (both channels) and the forums are worse to be honest. Also likely is that people keep harassing him about it. ie. he's chosen to say he's not working on it anymore on his website to stop lamers harassing him. hth hand :ph34r:
It probably has to do with all that shit going down on There's a news there saying that they're getting rid of a bunch of news posters who were being asses. I'm guessing it's no coincidence that IcemanGP closed shop at the same time.

Just a thought....
taras posted on Oct 1 2003 at 07:42 PM said:
Maybe because the gp community is going stale. I hardly ever go on the efnet channels anymore because it's mostly full of lamers (both channels) and the forums are worse to be honest. Also likely is that people keep harassing him about it. ie. he's chosen to say he's not working on it anymore on his website to stop lamers harassing him. hth hand :ph34r:
He said that he was pleased with any interest, i dont think he minds people asking how the projects going.
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what exactly is a lamer?

YOU!!! only joking..... sorry it was too tempting!!! ;)

Suppose it depends on the person on what a lamer actually is. I remember a "lamer" being an owner of an Atari ST, which was immortalised in "Lamer Invaders" (I think that was it's name.. possibly Lamer Wars) a Space Invaders clone for the Amiga with the invaders being ST logos.. ahhh....

I guess it's usually either people harrassing for roms, people harrassing developers for being crap, people generally harrassing!

I have to agree with the GP32 scene, it's dying quicker than the DC emulation scene did... a real shame with the european launch coming up, maybe it's the popularity of it that's killing it (take a look at the number of times the SAME questions get asked on these forums). Could be that it just isn't popular enough to get some new blood on the development side....

There seems to be a hell of a lot of apps and emu's that get announced and you never hear of them again (or you only get an initial release)... which is the most disappointing aspect of it... it gets my hopes up too much!!!
damn, i used to have an atari st, too :P

hopefully things will pick up on european release... for me though, the thing that spoiled it was the difficulty of getting a dev environment up and running...

i do think things will change again when it gets released over here...
i dont feel the community is dwindling i just feel as more and more new people arrive the topics do repeat as newer people think of the exact same questions. Maybe theres just a heavy influx of newish people who dont know what they are doing. On the side of the emulators being announced and amounting to nothing that just bugs me terribly. Like the cps-1 emulator and the strange amiga screen shot on gp32 spain and some crazy claims made by some emulator makers.
a heavy influx of jewish people that don't know what they're doing? damn straight. I'm sick of the Jews always ruining my enjoyment of the GP32 and similar consoles (remember what they did to the Neo Geo Handheld?)

Seriously, the GP32 was taking off bigtime (at last) this year, and in retrospect I think we'll all see that it has been quite a banner year for the system. Look at all that appeared for the first time on it, since the spring - fullspeed NES, partial Vectrex + Atari 2600 (and to a lesser degree Atari Lynx) - GPEngine of course (+arguably the most important!), MSX was this year i believe, Snes9X got really advanced, GenesisMu got released, Atari ST emulation came out in a whirlwind of releases... what else, you've got your Colecovision emulation, Atari 800, plus 3 coding competitions (the GP32Spain one is wrapping up now). Before the end of the year we'll likely (MAYBE) see fullspeed GB/C, some of rlyeh's emu's should make their official debut (notably fMame32, fGB32 + fGen32 - all very important!) Plus I am SURE I didn't mention a few things in there. Oh yeah we got a moviepark update (GPcinema), JoyGP went live and some of us got a just-introduced FLU.

Damn look at that last paragraph, like I said that's all been since the SPRING of this year. Who knows what another year's time will bring! sit tight everyone, it's not quite gone to shit yet, eh?