I Want To Try Linux


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
I want to try out linux on my computer....it has been nagging me for months now. I've read about CD booting linux but I'm not sure this sounds very good, does it allow writing and reading from the HD?

The thing which puts me off the most is partitioning, for a start I only have an 18.6g HD with about 3-4gb remaining, so partitioning it doesn't really seem worth while, it's under the FAT32 format so would it be possible to have a dual boot sharing the same partition? If not is 3gb worth partitioning seeing as that would leave no free space for either OS?

The other problem is I don't know how to partition, I'm running XP pro.

Last but not least which version of linux do I use? I don't want to optimise it to my system yet or to be swamped with too many command lines and flags, I just want to see what the big differences are between it and microsoft.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I want to try out linux on my computer....it has been nagging me for months now. I've read about CD booting linux but I'm not sure this sounds very good, does it allow writing and reading from the HD?
Generally, yes. Although I've had problems doing that a little when I used Knoppix (though I never really tried much)

The thing which puts me off the most is partitioning, for a start I only have an 18.6g HD with about 3-4gb remaining, so partitioning it doesn't really seem worth while, it's under the FAT32 format so would it be possible to have a dual boot sharing the same partition? If not is 3gb worth partitioning seeing as that would leave no free space for either OS?
Try installing it on the partition you have, then see how much you like it. If you really do like it, use 2 harddrives. Keep in mind, however, that GRUB (the program that lets you choose your OS on startup) is stored on the Linux partition/HD, and uses the windows drive to get started.

The other problem is I don't know how to partition, I'm running XP pro.
in the control panel, go to administrator settings, then computer management, then disk management. That's how it is with 2000, and I think they are the same. You may need to be in the classic control panel mode, though.

Last but not least which version of linux do I use? I don't want to optimise it to my system yet or to be swamped with too many command lines and flags, I just want to see what the big differences are between it and microsoft.
I would start off with Red Hat, and I've heard good things about SuSE, but I've never used that one. If you are gonna surf a lot, I'd use SuSE because a guy I know and myself have both had problems getting our network cards to work with it. Finally, try to get something with a kernel source, otherwise you can't install much on it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hope that counts :)
I use mandrake, and it's very nice :)

As you're in the UK, go to WHSmith and get yourself the 'Complete Linux Handbook 2' - like a big magazine (in the mags section) and comes with a DVD packed full of stuff, including the full versin of Mandrake 9.2. It's got loads of help for those starting out along the penguin road, and has helped me get together a very nice Linux install.

Go for it :P
Thanks, thats a good start I guess. I'm not gonna be using it for a net connection see as I use my connected computer downstairs (sadly not mine to mess with) to DL and then I just burn stuff to Cd and take it to my computer. It's just gonna be something to mess with during the holidays.
Axeman posted on Jul 11 2004 at 02:31 AM said:
I use mandrake, and it's very nice :)

As you're in the UK, go to WHSmith and get yourself the 'Complete Linux Handbook 2' - like a big magazine (in the mags section) and comes with a DVD packed full of stuff, including the full versin of Mandrake 9.2. It's got loads of help for those starting out along the penguin road, and has helped me get together a very nice Linux install.

Go for it :P
Hmm, might try that as well, a bit spooky thought, seeing as you know I have a DVD drive without asking <_< :)
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