I Want A "wiz" But Have Some Questions...


Still Fresh
Feb 17, 2010
I have just seen a few videos on youtube of the GP32x / Wiz and was amazed at what it could do. Being a child of the 80's I'd love the opportunity to play my fave arcade, snes and sega games in a convenient handheld device. Before I go spending money on one I wanted to ask a few questions from people who already own these.

I used Mame years ago when I was into PC gaming, is the structure (creating a ROM folder inside mame and putting all the zipped games inside) the same principle on the SD card of wiz? Or it a little more complex? Does this differ for all emulators?

I am wanting to run the usual games, but I am really hankering to play my old amiga and PC classics, such as Day of the tentacle, full throttle etc... Do these work with the emulators also?

I'm not sure anyone can answer this on here or not, but where can I get these games? I have found loads of sites for snes genesis / megadrive, nes etc.. but no amiga or old PC titles.

Lastly... does anyone know of a trusted website where can I get one in the UK?

thanks guys. hopefully looking to be part of the community.
vaughan80 said:
I used Mame years ago when I was into PC gaming, is the structure (creating a ROM folder inside mame and putting all the zipped games inside) the same principle on the SD card of wiz? Or it a little more complex? Does this differ for all emulators?
Same basic principle. Not all emulators allow for zip files of the roms though, so you may have to unzip them depending on the emu. Playing new games (for the most part) is as easy as dropping rom files onto the SD card in the /ROMS folder of each emulator. Sometimes you need a special BIOS file or something to get them to run correctly. But search around or ask around and people are willing to help you find that stuff. Also most of the special files you need like that are listed in the readme.txt files as well.

vaughan80 said:
I am wanting to run the usual games, but I am really hankering to play my old amiga and PC classics, such as Day of the tentacle, full throttle etc... Do these work with the emulators also?

I'm not sure anyone can answer this on here or not, but where can I get these games? I have found loads of sites for snes genesis / megadrive, nes etc.. but no amiga or old PC titles.
Oh yes! ScummVm allows you to run all the old LucasArts (and others) adventure games. Scumm runs only the PC version (I think). I prefered the CD versions of those games (like Loom) and therefore choose to play them through Scumm. You could alternatively play them through the Amiga emulator if you had the disk images. But naturally they will run a bit slower because you have to keep switching out disk images as you progress.

As far as where to find the roms. I would recommend [LINK REMOVED] for the Amiga, although there are plenty more. Just search for "Amiga Roms" on google (even though they aren't technically roms, you'll still find what you need). As for the games that work in ScummVM, I would recommend searching your favorite torrent site for "Scumm roms" and you will find everything you need there. There's a ton of games that work in Scumm, you can browse their compatability list here: http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/GP2X/Compatibility

If you need help locating anything once you get your wiz feel free to shoot me a PM!


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the amiga games you named (lucas arts adventures) work in scummvm.

mame is pretty simple to use, but not all games are supported. to be sure, download the zip file and check out the gameslist to see if the games you want are supported.

mame works just as you said (put the zipped files in the rom folder), you may have to tinker with some settings to get some games to run smoothly (I just had to do this with streethoops), but the settings are pretty straightforward and there are instructions in the readmes.

I suggest you check out all the stuff that is actually available and running right now while deciding if it is worth buying. I bought it in january and am fairly happy, wanted it to play scumm (no problem there) and snes (not all games I wanted work), I got most of the games I wanted on MAME through FBA2x (check it out too for newer arcade games, there is a gamelist for the previous version somewhere here in the forum) and found out about a great emulator (and games) in picodrive. other stuff I use are gpsp and lemonboy for some gameboy/gba classics I used to play.

it is also worth mentioning that the pandora seems to be coming out, it is more powerful but also costs much more than the wiz, if it was around in january I might have bought it instead of the wiz, but it ended up being more than enough for what I needed, so I'll wait some more before looking at the pandora.

edit: i think scummvm actually plays any version of scumm games (cd, amiga, pc, fmtowns). I usually look for the best version of each game (with voiceover, music, better graphics).
vaughan80 said:
I have just seen a few videos on youtube of the GP32x / Wiz and was amazed at what it could do. Being a child of the 80's I'd love the opportunity to play my fave arcade, snes and sega games in a convenient handheld device. Before I go spending money on one I wanted to ask a few questions from people who already own these.

I used Mame years ago when I was into PC gaming, is the structure (creating a ROM folder inside mame and putting all the zipped games inside) the same principle on the SD card of wiz? Or it a little more complex? Does this differ for all emulators?

I am wanting to run the usual games, but I am really hankering to play my old amiga and PC classics, such as Day of the tentacle, full throttle etc... Do these work with the emulators also?

I'm not sure anyone can answer this on here or not, but where can I get these games? I have found loads of sites for snes genesis / megadrive, nes etc.. but no amiga or old PC titles.

Lastly... does anyone know of a trusted website where can I get one in the UK?

thanks guys. hopefully looking to be part of the community.

Yeah, MAME for the Wiz is pretty easy to set up. In fact, if you Google for *the opposite to overground* and gamer, and sign up for a particular site, you'll find a torrent that has the Wiz version of MAME complete with a working romset.

There is a decent Amiga emulator for the Wiz and this should cure your craving to play Amiga games. However, the PC emulator - DOSbox - is a not really usable on a Wiz. As people have already said, the games you mentioned can be played using ScummVM and they are a joy to play using the Wiz's touch-screen.

Don't want to post a link and get banned, but if you're looking for Amiga games you could try Googling the words 'planet' and 'emu'. You might find something there ;)
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You guys are amazing!
Very helpful thank you! Apologies for getting one of you a warning mind...!

Scumm sounds perfect. I will check that out. I cannot wait to play these again.

I remember when I used to run mame on a pc (i use a mac now and don't use it for gaming) some of the games had trouble working. In the main, the vast majority I wanted to play worked 100% fine. I'm hoping the wiz is similar. I considered a pandora, but at this time I think the Wiz might be best for me, at least I know it is supported. The price of the pandora also puts me off a little...

I'll check out the mame compatibility list and see if there are any games not on there... Is there a similar list for neo geo / snes / genesis (or megadrive depending on where you are from) ??

Guys, seriously this is so helpful! thank you.
Trooper said:


Sorry, momentary lapse of judgment there. I knew the rule, but was in a hurry and posted while I was at work and the rule slipped my mind. Wont happen again!
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vaughan80 said:
You guys are amazing!
Very helpful thank you! Apologies for getting one of you a warning mind...!

Scumm sounds perfect. I will check that out. I cannot wait to play these again.

I remember when I used to run mame on a pc (i use a mac now and don't use it for gaming) some of the games had trouble working. In the main, the vast majority I wanted to play worked 100% fine. I'm hoping the wiz is similar. I considered a pandora, but at this time I think the Wiz might be best for me, at least I know it is supported. The price of the pandora also puts me off a little...

I'll check out the mame compatibility list and see if there are any games not on there... Is there a similar list for neo geo / snes / genesis (or megadrive depending on where you are from) ??

Guys, seriously this is so helpful! thank you.

for the mame games, check also out the fba2x, which plays newer arcade games. there is a gamelist for fba2x 6, even if it is an old version and the new one might support more games.

for the genesis (picodrive) I didn't have any problems with any of the roms I tried, so I don't think a list is really necessary, for the snes games that don't work I have tried are yoshi's island, kirby superstar. some more I don't remember, there are different lists online for pocketsnes 6.5 but not wiz specific (mostly for phones) but I'd say most games work with normal or fast pocketsnes (two versions both included in the same package), if you had specific games in mind you should look for them online (google game + pocketsnes). haven't played any neo geo (I played those on FBA2x), lemonboy works with no problems (Gb/GBC), but I have tested only a handful of games, GpSP (GBA) works with most, not all, games. couldn't find a list but you should look for specific games you had in mind.

scumm should work with all games without issues due to the wiz, only games that have problems are high res ones (monkey island 3- glitches, discworld 2) because they get scaled down. I had some problems with full throttle on my pc (haven't done a complete game on the wiz) so there may be issues due to the scumm but not wiz specific. there is a virtual keyboard for games that require it (indiana jones fighing/plane) but it isn't very practical (you have to call it up every time).
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really helpful. thanks rex. looks like my mind is made up and i'm going to order one on payday.
does anyone know of a good seller in the UK?
Remember to try out the free games too. I did the mistake of never getting in to them on the gp2x, but I just downloaded all of them from the archive and have had a blast going through them :)
vaughan80 said:
I have just seen a few videos on youtube of the GP32x / Wiz and was amazed at what it could do. Being a child of the 80's I'd love the opportunity to play my fave arcade, snes and sega games in a convenient handheld device. Before I go spending money on one I wanted to ask a few questions from people who already own these.

I used Mame years ago when I was into PC gaming, is the structure (creating a ROM folder inside mame and putting all the zipped games inside) the same principle on the SD card of wiz? Or it a little more complex? Does this differ for all emulators?

I am wanting to run the usual games, but I am really hankering to play my old amiga and PC classics, such as Day of the tentacle, full throttle etc... Do these work with the emulators also?

I'm not sure anyone can answer this on here or not, but where can I get these games? I have found loads of sites for snes genesis / megadrive, nes etc.. but no amiga or old PC titles.

Lastly... does anyone know of a trusted website where can I get one in the UK?

thanks guys. hopefully looking to be part of the community.

Hi Vaughan 80, I got my Wiz just before Christmas and I have to say that its a fantasic little machine. The emuators I've installed so far work really well (be it Mame, Neo geo Amiga, Gameboy, Snes, Megadrive)
For me one of the best parts is the screen. Its really clear & bright when playing games, the touchscreen is pretty cool as well and some of the inbuilt games you get with the machine are fun to play. Battery life is good on mine, about 5 hours or so.

The main shop in this country that sells the Wiz is GBAX. Didnt get mine from there as I found one on Gumtree 2nd hand but I have bought stuff off Gbax in the past and they are excellent. Make sure you purchase a good size SD card though as well. I got a Sandisk 16gb SDHC card off Amazon for about £15.00. Its worth getting 16gb in my opinion as 8gb seems to disapear fast expecially when you load Mame etc.....

Hope this helps you out, if you need any info I like most of the people on here will be only to happy help you

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I will definitely try out the free gp2x games.

SD cards, i will certainly get a 16gb. Do you know what the biggest capacity card the wiz will handle?
I seriously cannot wait, the screen does look awesome. I'm just looking forward to playing all those old arcade games I pumped hundreds of 20p coins into as a kid. I have an arcade machine at home, along with a few jamma boards, but I love the convenience and portability of the wiz. Not to mention it being an "open" device.

I am amazed and excited that a console like this exists, the 15 year old me is seriously freaking out!! Even my fiance wants one!

Come on payday...!!
klikklak said:

The people at GBAX are known for their customer service and overall awesomeness, but why pay £135 when you can pay ~ £110 or even £97? (all including shipping).
Play asia are good retailers too, and so are GP2XStore.
Sure, it'll take longer to reach you, but you save a lot of money. GBAX need to lower their prices.
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Hi Vaughan80

If you want to save some money, certainly consider Play Asia, GP2x store or Ebay or Gumtree second hand. I got mine of a bloke on Gumtree and its been fine.

However there are 2 thing that have put me off using Play Asia or GP2Xstore

Firstly these stores are based outside the UK and potentially you could end up paying import duty tax on the Wiz. I know a couple of friends who in the past ended up getting stung for dvd boxsets from Play.com and it wasnt cheap

Secondly its a bit of a hassle having to send your Wiz half way round the world if it went wrong and you bought it from somewhere like Play Asia or GP2x Store. At least dealing with GBAX you can have a conversation on the phone and things are likely to be sorted a hell of a lot quicker if the machine for whatever reason breaks. Not 100% sure if the warranty means that you would have to return it to the place that you bought it from. If it does and you bought it from America or Asia then the postage wouldnt be cheap........

Right another thing I suggest you purchase when you get it is a USB SD card reader. To be honest all of Gameparks machines that I have owned are pretty naff for transfering files from your PC to the handheld as its a really slowly process. This way you just take the SD card out, plug it into a USB2 slot on your PC and transfer the files a hell of a lot quicker!

By the way as far as I know SD cards go up to 32GB. Go for a brand like Sandisk, not some of the rubbish you can get from Ebay.

Thanks once again.

I have bought stuff of play asia before. I actually had a pretty bad experience with them which puts me off. I ordered a game, which was opened and stolen from the envelope (i received a padded envelope, empty!!!) it took about 6 weeks for play asia to believe me, despite me having proof from royal mail it had been opened. When I got my replacement I was charged import duty. A game that cost £30, end up costing me double.

I think i'll stick to GBAX, the prices are cheaper on play asia, but even if it did turn up the chances are i'd be stung on import tax and it would cost the same, if not more.

I have an SD card reader, so i'll use that. And yeah, i'll never buy a cheap SD card again (lost some very important photographs once, due to a shitty play.com sd card). Sandisk or kingston for me!

Regarding the wiz, how long does the battery last from a full charge?
I have downloaded some Amiga roms. I noticed that in the main they span over two discs. When using these on the Wiz, does each disk appear as a separate game?

Also - not sure if this really applies here, but out of curiousity I downloaded an Amiga emulator for the mac. I loaded some of the games and they ran pretty terrible. I intend on using the Wiz for more than Amiga gaming, but would this be representative of how they run, or are they smoother??

I checked the compatibility list out, but it offered no guidance on how they actually ran.
If an amiga game has two disks, you either have to eject the first one and insert the second, or just insert the second one on the second drive. Obviously virtual drives, but the logic is the same.

Comparison between a mac and wiz doesn't make any sense. A mac is a lot more powerful, but also has to run at a higher resolution. Most likely the problem was some kind of misconfiguration or some thing similar. Most of the emu's on the wiz are designed for it's specs and run just fine. I've understood that Amiga needs overclocking though, I've only started a single amiga game so far though.