I Tried Geepee32 Emu But

Aug 8, 2004
i tried geepee32 emu but it dont find the roms when i try little john emulator
why? it seems freeze at first screen
where i have to put the rom
Don't bother.

From what I have read, it runs ass-slow. I wouldn't know first-hand though, since I could never get the damn thing to load anything!

You have to make some sort of virtual SMC, then load that into the emulator for it to read anything.
gpmm/nes ??

this you means: C:\GPMM\NES ???
because it from my hard drive ?
how can i do a virtual card do you a program
I know you are only doing this out of interest, but there is no point in running an emulator, on an emulator. I think (On the last build I tried), GeePee32 is clocked to 40Mhz, so it won't run emulators any where near the speed of the gp32.
isn't there a faq or a walktrough on how to make a .smc cus i can't seem to do it (maybe i'm just fucking stupid)
Can GeePee32 not be Overclocked :P maybe someone should mod it and add a overclock feature :)