i read the doom readme i still need help


Still Fresh
May 29, 2003
can someone please help me. i read the readme for doom. i read this entire forum but it's still not working. i know it's because i'm stupid but could someone please just pitty me and tell me what i'm doin wrong because i'm been trying to use doom since doom v_5 and i want to use this new version. Get that your suposed to put the .fxe file into the gpmm folder. but i'm still not clear on where to put the wad file. i read this entire forum and i know how many times you ansewred this question so appologize i realy do. i know your suposed to put the wad file in gp:/game/doom. i already did this and it didnt work so i asume i made a mistake. i opened the game folder (the same game folder that has my free launcher in it) in that folder i made a new folder i called it doom. in there is where i put my doom1.wad but the bar comes up and that takes about 20 secs but when thats done there is no icon on my computer screen indicating that the .wad file is on my gamepark. the game still doesn't work it still says....

Allocating 6144 kbytes for zone
6144 kbytes allocated fir zone
IErr: W_InitFiles: no files foun
shutting down.

the main reason i think that i did it wrong is that on craig's web site it says to make a game dirr but i didnt make one i just use the one that was already there, because when i try to make a new one it says a dirr with that name alrady exists. i'd rather not bother you people but i've been trying to get doom to work over a week now and i thought maybe you guys could help me. please help me. i've read this entire forum and notice that you people have answered question a lot stupider then this one. if you can help me with doom that would be great . thank you
First, download doom version 7 at gbax.com.
Then unzip and open the transfer software.
Copy the GPdoomV7.fxe from your computer to the gpmm directory on your smc.
Make a new directory in the game folder and call it doom, then copy the wad file to gp\game\doom.
When you run it, you have to set what game your running, shareware/ultimatedoom/etc..

At least I think this is right, I prob should have checked first but oh well..
Well cut and paste doesnt work for me for some reason, and i cant reboot because im downloading something. My doom wad file is just called, doom.wad
Just copy the wad file to your c drive and nothing else.

Ok hook up your gp32 to your pc and turn on your gp32 and goto tranfer, open the transfer software..

At the left, click the + next to gp32, then click the + next to game. Now click the + next to my computer, and click on Local disk (C:) and you should see a bunch of files to the right. Find doom.wad and drag it into the GP32\Game\Doom folder at the left.
thanks for the help but i'm not seeing transfer is it pc software or gp32 software and if so where can i find it