I Need Suggestions...


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA
Hey, what SMS or GameGear games would you suggest? I have a GameGear, but those batteries really discouraged me using it. So I don't know much about what was released for it (or SMS, for that matter).
Devilish, the various Sonic games (though of course, less so now we've got better and better genesis emu) - Sonic Drift though is good, and unique to the GG. Try Phantasy Star 1 and Gaiden as well - both rock (though Gaiden is perhaps more approachable isofar as it more closely resembles the typical RPG of today).

Also try Sylvan Tale - translation on The Whirlpool (http://donut.parodius.com) and the Felix platformer.

Not to mention Alex Kid :)

Hope that helps for starters...
Gamegear- Dr. Robotniks mean bean machine, its basically puyo pop, highly addictiv nonetheless.

SMS- Alexx the kidd in miracle world.

Theres plenty more, ill check me smc and edit this post later.
Alexx kidd in miracle world
Air Rescue (Kick ass Helicopter game :) )
Putt and Putter (Cool Crazy gold game :) )

Is there a SMS Emu that allows you to make the keys yourself? whats the Best SMS Emu ?

As Fsms is Cool, But for Alexx Kidd, The A and B button are the wrong way around in my opinion :D
Agree on Dragon Trap -- one of the very few games I kept on the real SMS...

Other suggestions:

* Golvellius (Sega's answer to Zelda 2 -- best gfx on the SMS)

* Bram Stoker's Dracula (surprisingly good adventure)

* Vampire (different game to the one above, this one's more like Castlevania, and nearly as good as Konami's classic! Truly -- this is one of the best "unknown" games I've ever found!)

* Asterix (solid platformer)

* Gain Ground (time travellin' shooter, similar to Smash TV)

* Penguin Land (Mr. Driller with an egg you have to save)

* Ax Battler [GG] (Golden Axe meets Ys)

* Golden Axe Warrior (Golden Axe meets... Zelda! Really good, this one)

* Jurassic Park (varied levels, very surprising, worth trying)

* Mickey Mouse - Castle/Legend/Land of Illusion (very impressive, almost as good as the Mega Drive versions!)

* Shoniobi, Sonic, Fantasy Zone, Wonderboy 1/2/3 -- all classics

There are plenty more goodies... experiment!
Alexx the kid in Shinobi world- basically shinobi with alexx the kid
Bubble Bobble- has been criminal omission from this list so far.
Psychofox- Brilliant game, try it.
Outrun- Needs no intro really.
Robocod (alas the background parallax does not work on any GP emus), micro machines, Astro Warrior (nice pick up and play shooter), Sonic Chaos (probably the most impressive sonic game on the sms), The Ninja (frustraitingly difficult yet addictive).

Check out www.smspower.org

