there shouldn't be a doubt that this is fake, jesus, the GP32 can now finally handle most SNES games without sound, lol N64 is not even a remote possibility.
The N64's CPU runs at 93mhz, and it has a 66mhz graphics chip too. The system also uses RD-RAM (super fast), and even the smallest game ROMs are 64mbit (8MB). Just a few of the reasons the system is un-emulatable on a 133mhz ARM9 processor.
lol, no, the lynx can't even be emulated properly because of the 2 chips that it uses, I can't believe there's people that thinks this is even possible, its just funny.
yes it MIGHT be possible at 1fps if you used all asm for EVERYTHING no c++ at all... and it would have to be really optimised to get to 2fps :rolleyes: