Huh? N64 On Gp32???

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Definatelly Fake!

a 133Mhz Machine can NEVER emulate a 99 one. And more than that, a 32bit machine cant emulate a 64 one.
there shouldn't be a doubt that this is fake, jesus, the GP32 can now finally handle most SNES games without sound, lol N64 is not even a remote possibility.
The N64's CPU runs at 93mhz, and it has a 66mhz graphics chip too. The system also uses RD-RAM (super fast), and even the smallest game ROMs are 64mbit (8MB). Just a few of the reasons the system is un-emulatable on a 133mhz ARM9 processor. :P
jesus christ!

this is about the 20th time this has been posted in these forums!!!

for god sake some one just lock and sticky the topic!!!
Oh it might be emulatable, but now at nowhere near decent speed.

Theoretically shouldn´t you be able to emulate anything on anything, just not very fast?
lol, no, the lynx can't even be emulated properly because of the 2 chips that it uses, I can't believe there's people that thinks this is even possible, its just funny.
yeah the n64 emu is a very old fake.

but id like to see one even if it had 1 fps.

this things is REALLY old :rolleyes:

yes it MIGHT be possible at 1fps if you used all asm for EVERYTHING no c++ at all... and it would have to be really optimised to get to 2fps :rolleyes:

its fake!!!
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